Caught a cold...


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 7, 2008
Jalisco, Mexico
...for the first time in, well, possibly since early 2020! So, yay, it's not COVID! But, not yay, it's an annoying head cold...
I have had two super annoying head colds with a cough in the last year. Not Covid but very unpleasant. I am just finishing one up that started on January 4. I think I caught it flying home from Florida. After this I am going to mask up when I fly, just like I did during Covid.

I hope you feel. better soon!
We've all been underexposed to all kinds of bugs and viruses for 2 years. No surprise IMO. We've lost our basic immunities.
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I've had a cold the past week, first since 2019. Mainly nasal and feeling a bit fatigued. Took at-home covid tests the past three days, all negative. We mask up when shopping or in buildings, and have not really had close contact with anyone. But I suppose the bugs are out there just waiting to pounce.
A couple years ago DW and I each bought a Copper Rescue stick. When you start feeling a cold coming on or were exposed to someone who has a cold you put the rod in your nose and rub it around for a couple minutes. Seems to work for us.
I luckily haven’t had a cold in 5 years.
A couple years ago DW and I each bought a Copper Rescue stick. When you start feeling a cold coming on or were exposed to someone who has a cold you put the rod in your nose and rub it around for a couple minutes. Seems to work for us.

well, the copper won't get microbes, but your outer nasal passages isn't where the virus starts and replicates. Also, it has had 2-3 days of replication before you feel symptoms. If you aren't getting sick it's not because of the stick. Sorry, just sayin'
Just about everyone I know has caught a bad cold this past few weeks including those I have spent most time with. Started with our son immediately after Christmas, then daughter, her partner and lastly my wife. It took between 2 and 3 weeks for each of them to get over it. I didn’t catch it so I have been nicknamed “Tommy Teflon”.
I need some Teflon.

This is the peak of allergy season around here and I got the works this year: Scratchy throat > runny nose > sneezing > chest congestion > persistent cough > nasty phlegm (TMI?) > facial pain from infected sinus cavities. AKA a severe case of the Crud.

I usually just wait it out in this situation but not sure about this time. 10 days in and symptoms don't seem to be improving much. The damn cough is driving me and the DW nuts.

(Yes, I tested negative for Covid twice, on day three and day 5.)
Try a neti pot, clean out mucous and pollens from nasal cavities.
Use distilled water or boiled and cooled tap water, little bit of salt dissolved in the water.

works great when my allergies flare up.
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