Class of 2013

My situation is becoming more clear. It looks like I may be a part time consultant to our company in exchange for the company buying my stock. 1-2 days a week, 48 wks a year for maybe 2 yrs then down to 1 day a week for a yr or so. Very flexible, working from home about half of the time. It could start jan 1, unless I back out. Something about this seems like a prison sentence and nothing near retirement.

Sounds like a wonderful way to transition into full retirement; unless of course you hate the work. I'd love to work part time for a couple of years.
Just wanted to add myself to the list! My position at work will be eliminated as of 3/7/13... but I have a month vacation all of December, and also have about three weeks of comp time leave I could theoretically use in Jan/Feb but which I'm on the fence about actually taking.... (I'm weighing the feeling that I should take all leave I earned against a desire to finish up some projects I'm working on)...... still a toss up which will win out!).

1. martyb - 55
2. DFA - 54
3. Chris2008 - 54
4. mystang52 (Glenn) - 60
5. SteveNU - 56
6. T-bird - 58
7. misty57 (DH) - 55
8. Coaster - 53
9. Helen - 56
10. Rita-61
11. KM - 55
12. Lau_Ann - 55
13. Ronstar - 57
14. Spokane2303 - 56
15. Donna - 58
16. ChrisC (and DW) - 58
17. Bikeknit - 60
18. Traineeinvestor - 47
19. Sheehs1 - 58
20. smurray5991 - 57
Welcome to the list smurray. :)

So, DH was offered an "early out" today. If he takes it, they will pay him to sit home from Jan 1 through Sep 2013. Seeing as he was planning on sitting home from Jan 1 through Sep 2013 anyway....yeah he was happy to oblige. :dance:

In the meantime, I am going to have to continue to drag my [-]sorry a$$[/-] smiling face out of bed every morning and continue to go to work until mid-March. Moving it up to the end of Jan looks a lot more appealing right now - but given that my boss' boss didnt say much to the news other than "Please do not discuss this with anyone right now", I suspect I wont be able to bring myself to move it up to Jan. I am getting the feeling that although I dont believe anyone (including me) is irreplaceable.....there may be a stronger reaction than I expected.

Class of 2013 - we are closing in!!!!!
Welcome to the list smurray. :)

Class of 2013 - we are closing in!!!!!

Starting to really feel that way as the lists of "last ones" continue. Just had my last audit and findings, one more board or is it bored meeting :cool: heading for my last turkey day at w*rk and Christmas is right around the corner. New Years and Groundhog Day are the next major "day". GH day because it's my B-day (58) and last one of those before SIRE. :dance: It's starting to feel good and everyone at w*rk knows I am heading out the door so there will be no surprises there. Looks like they will have me come back to do some training in the future but no more than 4 days a month, that I think I can handle. :cool: I never looked more forward to the holidays than I do now!!

April Fool's Day here I come (my first day of retirement).

Class of 2013
DW Class of 2012 (May, a done deal)
I have slightly more than 21 weeks of paid leave time (not counting sick time) that I can use to get me to my retirement date of 6/30/13. So my last day at work will be 1/30/13. Looking forward to moving from Texas to Las Vegas in March and spending my days playing poker and golf :) Being an INTJ, spending 40+ hours playing a card game is my idea of heaven, and fleecing tourists will make a nice addition to my pension. Let the games begin!!
If I submit my retirement resignation letter in December 2013, but my final day is in January 2014, does that keep me in the Class of 2013 especially since I can officially retire on 12/31/13? I need to have some income roll over into 2014 for WEP purposes and I don't want to screw that up by retiring on the last day of the year.

Would it help if I don't do anything at work in December and January? :D

I so want to stay in the Class of 2013 and not be held back to the Class of 2014. :)
If I submit my retirement resignation letter in December 2013, but my final day is in January 2014, does that keep me in the Class of 2013 especially since I can officially retire on 12/31/13? I need to have some income roll over into 2014 for WEP purposes and I don't want to screw that up by retiring on the last day of the year.

Would it help if I don't do anything at work in December and January? :D

I so want to stay in the Class of 2013 and not be held back to the Class of 2014. :)
This is indeed serious :D

My take is if you aren't really working, just getting paid, it is a tax or pension strategy, then yup, you're retired in 2013. And we have a whole year to debate it!
This is indeed serious :D

My take is if you aren't really working, just getting paid, it is a tax or pension strategy, then yup, you're retired in 2013. And we have a whole year to debate it!

Thanks! Then it's settled. We can debate it for a year and even if someone really objects, I shall consider myself to be a member of the Class of 2013! :dance:

Actually, I envision that I'll have to do some work, but I'll put as much hardly in it as I can. :D
Actually, I envision that I'll have to do some work, but I'll put as much hardly in it as I can. :D

LOL - true mindset of a Class of 2013 member. Congrats!
120 days to go! But some of them will be pretty busy.

Seeing all this I just had to say, 71 working days to go, Working 10 days in December and once 2013 hits it should fly by. :D Sometimes I just have to pinch myself but then I see the DW sleeping when I leave to go to w*rk (she the class of 2012) and I know it really is coming.

Seeing all this I just had to say, 71 working days to go, Working 10 days in December and once 2013 hits it should fly by. :D Sometimes I just have to pinch myself but then I see the DW sleeping when I leave to go to w*rk (she the class of 2012) and I know it really is coming.


Yeah, well....check this out: 51 days to go, and 19 working days!:dance:

(however, I may decide to work just a little longer....)
March 15th for me - 60 work days. But it turns out to be:
  • 3 more weeks of work,
  • 1 week vacation (Xmas),
  • 4 weeks work (couple of vacation days here and there)
  • 2 weeks vacation (cruise)
  • 4 weeks work (couple of vacation days here and there)
  • :dance:
Officially announced to my team today. Feeling pretty good now that I can talk about it at work.
My official retirement date!

I turned in my written retirement notice and Friday March 1, 2013 will be my last day at work. I will then take my 6 weeks of vacation making my official final day sometime in mid April. As of today I have 58 more get up days left. I am relieved that it is out in the open. I can't wait to start my new life. I have a busy spring and summer planned. My hobby farm (peach orchard) will keep me busy until September and then I can just do whatever until next spring. The hobby farm is not work to me, I love being outside, and I especially like being able to do things when and how I like. For the first time in my life things will happen on my schedule. I have really enjoyed this forum. I hope to be able to do more posting in the future.
I forgot to mention that I seem to be getting over that empty and uncertain feeling that I reported back in October. We just returned from a three week vacation which gave me a lot of time to rest and think about things. I plan on taking a few extra days off over the holidays so December should go fast. Now that I have given notice my replacement will need to start carrying more of the load. Either way I am ready to leave and really looking forward to spring.
I gave my notice about 4 weeks ago. Last day is April 25 -- less than 5 months to go. It was a relief to make it official. However, recently three different family issues (all non-financial) materialized to put a bit of a damper on things, but I am trying hard not to let them extinguish the anticipation of ER. I guess that is just life.
I told the boss that retirement starts July 1st. I'll take the first few weeks of January off and the month of June. Was able to work out a nice deal to move off into a transitional assignment doing special projects starting in January.

After 35 years of rotating shift work in nuclear subs, nuke power plants and transmission power grid operations it will be nice to come to work and not have to worry about dealing with the next crisis!

I think the next six months are going to fly by!
I'm also checking out March 1. However, I only have 2 years with this company and for several other reasons it is not in my interest to give them much of a heads-up. So it'll just be the standard 2 weeks notice for me.
I'm so psyched for that next stage of my life.
Waiting on the day

I envy that you have dates set. I should find out next week if I will be 'terminated' sometime in January/February. If not, I'll go ahead and pull the trigger myself. I could have as few as 13 work days left, or at most 42....
I haven't posted in a while. DH will talk to the VP after the first of the year about his desire to retire in 2013. The review cycle will be complete March 1st, so he will administer the merits for his staff and hopes to be outta there by April 1st. The only reason he would stay longer or perhaps even shorter is if a package is offered as a result of sequestration.
5 more months:confused:

Apathy or Greed

Ha! this has become the "quote" around the house. I'm thought I was going to get terminated this week, now they are saying June 1. I have enough money saved now, today, ready to go, but I'd be banking $800 dollars a day for the next 5 months if I stay. I'm going to take it 6 weeks at a time, and set me up a hidey hole bank account just for me - for frivolous spending - vacations/clothes/kid support/new bike/charity -- I think that is the only way I can keep myself motivated. That and I would get 2 more vacations paid for by the company. I'm thinking Tasmania and Ningaloo Reef, but honestly, I just want to go home.....
Increase in BS or just no longer tolerant of it:confused:
It sure seems to me that there's been a recent increase of unnecessary BS going on in my company. Then I realized that with 2 1/2 months to go, maybe it just seems that way to me.
In any event, heretofore I would have done something about it. Now, I'm just keeping quiet. It simultaneously bothers me (I've always jumped in to fix these issues during my career) but also feels great.

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