

Gone but not forgotten
Aug 23, 2006
Having an other one on the 20th.

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Congratulations. I had one last year, and they nipped a few polyps while they were there. Looking forward to another such test in 4 years.

You never know when a small test might save your life. The worse part about it is the 2 second stick when they give you an IV. Otherwise, you don't know what they're doing to you.
Had my first at age 37. Sister is a stage 3 colon cancer survivor, diagnosed at 44. It's a small price to pay for peace of mind, and thankfully she's still doing well!
Congratulations. I had one last year, and they nipped a few polyps while they were there. Looking forward to another such test in 4 years.

You never know when a small test might save your life. The worse part about it is the 2 second stick when they give you an IV. Otherwise, you don't know what they're doing to you.

The worst part is the prep. :peace:
The worst part is the prep. :peace:
Not so much anymore. After several colonoscopies in my lifetime and drinking gallons of the awful green stuff, the Doc changed the prep to something called Prepopik. This stuff does not taste bad, the amount you drink is manageable, and it does its job.

As for the actual cleansing process, doesn't it just make you feel so alive? What's not to like?
Gosh, reading this thread is making me feel envious. I want one too!

I've had 5 already, with the possibility of a 6th later this year...I'll mail you the video. :LOL:
I've had 5 already, with the possibility of a 6th later this year...I'll mail you the video. :LOL:
Maybe it'll go viral and we can make some $$$ :D

Stranger things have happened. I was quite surprised to find that zit-popping videos are all the rage on YouTube :sick:
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I've never had one, and I turn 50 this year. How do I know if I should get one?

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50 is the recommended age to start for screenings every 10 years thereafter if nothing found. Talk to your regular Doc and s/he can discuss the recommendation and make the referral.

Some of us put it off to 55.
You lucky dogs! I've been on the annual plan for over 20 years. Sigh...
I've had 5 already, with the possibility of a 6th later this year...I'll mail you the video. :LOL:

Maybe it'll go viral and we can make some $$$ :D

Stranger things have happened. I was quite surprised to find that zit-popping videos are all the rage on YouTube :sick:

Major Tom:
Don't count on it be a moneymaker. Nemo2 has sent me videos of his first five colonoscopies. The only interesting thing about them is watching the Nemo2 character age in each subsequent video. And, watch out, because Nemo2 offers to send you a free video but will ask for your credit card information. The shipping and handling is outrageously expensive. As you may have guessed by now, it's almost impossible to opt out.
As always,
...The only interesting thing about them is watching the Nemo2 character age in each subsequent video...
Talk about seeing people aging from inside out, I did not know one can do that.

I know how people's look or their skin changes with age, but their inside changes too?
Talk about seeing people aging from inside out, I did not know one can do that.

I know how people's look or their skin changes with age, but their inside changes too?
Reminds me of what the specialist said as he was breaking the news that I have osteoarthritis. He related that he had seen my X-rays and had both good news and bad news.

"The good news" he said, "is that on the outside, you look terrific. But on the inside, boy, do you look old!"

That was good for a hearty chuckle. He had obviously had me pegged as someone with a good sense of humor, and he had the delivery to make it quite sound quite comic.
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Yes, the most visible things they can see relate to bones, and not so much soft tissue.

I had a CT scan, and they did not find what they were looking for (which is terrific news). However, the radiologist noted some kidney stones stuck in a ureter. Yes, I was suffering from it, so knew exactly what he was talking about.

An later CT scan, and now he did not mention the stone which I knew I passed. Still did not see what they were looking for (another excellent news). But now, he said the degeneration of the SI joint was evident. No, I did not like that! And how my SI joint is going to hurt me, I worried.

Lemme tell you, whatever is going to happen to me, I've got several long-range RV trips on my belt, and plenty of travel. If I am going to have limited mobility, I have done enough travel to not regret it when I am confined to a wheelchair, or pushing a walker in front of me.
Doctors sometimes use words differently than we do. "Evident" may just mean evident to the radiologist.


An later CT scan, and now he did not mention the stone which I knew I passed. Still did not see what they were looking for (another excellent news). But now, he said the degeneration of the SI joint was evident. No, I did not like that! And how my SI joint is going to hurt me, I worried.

Lemme tell you, whatever is going to happen to me, I've got several long-range RV trips on my belt, and plenty of travel. If I am going to have limited mobility, I have done enough travel to not regret it when I am confined to a wheelchair, or pushing a walker in front of me.
I'm about to turn 60 and had my second colonoscopy a few weeks ago. He said "all was good and will see you in another ten years." I asked him if he would be retired by then. He just had a sad look on his face.

Enjoying life!
Doctors sometimes use words differently than we do. "Evident" may just mean evident to the radiologist.

I hope so. Right after reading the report, then researching the Web to learn about the problem (what the heck is the SI joint?), I felt something in my lower back.

Amazing how one's imagination can run wild, isn't it?
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50 is the recommended age to start for screenings every 10 years thereafter if nothing found. Talk to your regular Doc and s/he can discuss the recommendation and make the referral.

Some of us put it off to 55.

Put me in the wait until 55 camp, also. Per orders from myself.

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I had one at 41 and everything was super clear no polyps but one of the 17 random samples they took detected pre-cancerous cells. The doctor who performed the procedure thinks it was contamination at the testing lab but told me to come back in five years instead of 10 ?

So 2017 is my date with the probe.

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