Considering move to iPad only

I use both. Desktop windows because I like the large screen and because I have it.

Ipad for travel, or sitting in other places in the house.

DW moved to ipad eight years ago. She does not bother with the desktop.

I like having both. Not certain what we will do if he desktop ever packs it in. Just replaced the system disk and upgraded to windows 10.

Our window notebook hardly gets used. Too heavy and cumbersome compared to the ipad.
I couldn’t get rid of my Mac. I need it for Moneydance, TT, and Google Drive. I also
think the Zoom client is better, which gets a lot of use right now.

I probably use my iPad/iPhone for 90%+ of my computing tasks, but they can’t fully replace a Mac.

This thread does remind me that I want to setup remote desktop to connect from my iPad to my Mac. When I travel, I only take the iPad and it would be nice to connect back to the Mac to access Mac specific apps, primarily Moneydance.
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