COVID-19 overload

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Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Dec 15, 2016
DC area
So who else is experiencing COVID-19 overload? I saw a headline on my web home page that said "Rep Mark DeSauliner in critical condition with pneumonia after..." and immediately thought "now we have a Congressman with COVID". But clicking on the article I see he broke a rib and contracted pneumonia. Best wishes to the Congressman in any case.

In another post I linked a survey where 12.8% of Americans are afraid they already have COVID-19, when the data shows at worst case (say 15 times the current confirmed infections) less that 0.1% currently have it.

I think tomorrow I won't look at any news or forums :flowers:
Yes, it's refreshing to hear other news but there isn't any. Even here in Chicago the reports of shootings are so rare now I can only recall a few events with maybe 10 total deaths.
Normally we get multiple shootings and deaths every day.

Hey, maybe the gangs hanging out together all got covid-19 and are too sick to kill anyone. ;)
I've had my fill but DW keeps tuning in.
Amazingly I’m not tired of it yet. If it were just DH and I, I probably would, but fragil DF being in a group home and us relocating to stay nearby has me paying a lot more attention since late Feb.
I'm over 60 and my husband is way over 60. I have two older siblings with serious "co-morbidities." I read every scrap, mentally sifting out the politics as best I can, focusing on medical information and statistics.

While hunting for elusive TP and disinfectant.

I refuse to look at stock news, or our 401Ks. I know that would bring on illness.
Yes, I was thinking about this just before I got online - that all of the COVID-19 news was not good for my emotional health and wondering if I should just avoid the COVID-19 threads.

The economic and stock market impacts just pile on as well, but my main concern is definitely CV19 itself.
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It’s much easier to avoid COVID news here than in the media, interwebs or cable. We follow best practices and isolate COVID topics as soon as they appear. If we miss a thread in any of the other forums feel free to report the thread. We’ll send in our specialized COVID team to assess the outbreak and immediately take appropriate action. :)
You know what I'm seeing now? Previously respected on line news sources are literally turning into the Daily Mail. I love the Mail and read it for fun and giggles, but assume the hard info or news is wrong.

I also have some other more serious sources with "rea ltime updates" and realize they will post anything..reading this morning I keep seeing articles starting with the word "reportedly". Gossip in other words. What ever happened to the old adage that getting it right was more important then being first?
It’s much easier to avoid COVID news here than in the media, interwebs or cable. We follow best practices and isolate COVID topics as soon as they appear. If we miss a thread in any of the other forums feel free to report the thread. We’ll send in our specialized COVID team to assess the outbreak and immediately take appropriate action. :)

And extra points for the sub-forum name - very clever, and appropriate!

"COVID-19 | Containment Area"

It’s much easier to avoid COVID news here than in the media, interwebs or cable. We follow best practices and isolate COVID topics as soon as they appear. If we miss a thread in any of the other forums feel free to report the thread. We’ll send in our specialized COVID team to assess the outbreak and immediately take appropriate action. :)

And if you want to get a break from it all here, you have a remedy:
If you go to that forum section and select the thread tools menu (drop down) you can "ignore" the forum. The threads will not appear in the new posts feed and several other places. You can go directly to that section however if you want to read...
Didn't even turn on a TV or radio yesterday. I am checking a couple forums this morning and figure if there's truly something that needs to be checked will be discussed. As I thought; nothing new. A few numbers change for us in the USA, but still nothing that would cause me to think I need to do anything more than I normally do. I do find it interesting the panic that so many others have. I ran into a neighbor a couple days ago. A very healthy retired couple in their 60's. They've gone overboard in my opinion; wiping down mail, banning their family to visit to check on them, etc. They are truly scared that not only is the virus to be feared, but that society is going to start straining at the seems. It might come to that if people don't get some perspective of the risk and danger to themselves. The press, which I've pretty much have given up on to simply report the news and not sensationalize it, is a root cause for fear and panic that is likely to break down civil obedience. Our local newspaper, Sacramento Bee, reported that neighbor needs to report on neighbor for isolation violations. That is dangerous. We should be looking out for our neighbors, helping each other, not ratting on each other.

That's it. I'm off line until maybe check in one more time before bed.
If I were driving they'd call it "rubbernecking"

I'm still strangely fascinated by it.

It was the same back in 1991 during Desert Storm. Here was a large, destructive event beyond my experience (I had avoided Vietnam by being too young for the draft) being broadcast live on TV. I could not tear myself away from the battlefield videos or the daily Pentagon briefings. Horrifying and yet hypnotic.

I guess it's a character flaw. If so, just add it to my others.
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I'll watch the news for 20 to30 mins in the morning and about the same in the evening. That's about all I need or want. I'm actually trying to pay a lot more attention to the markets these days (buying) but the business channels are "infected" too. And it's not a mild case!
How do y'all think social media is contributing to the fear and panic? Do you think we'd be better off without it during a crisis such as this? Or is it truly useful in terms of getting information out. (Unfortunately, a lot of that information is false or incorrect.)
Being under mandatory confinement, it is way too easy to get sucked into the Covid news warp. So I made the conscious decision to turn off the news.
How do y'all think social media is contributing to the fear and panic? Do you think we'd be better off without it during a crisis such as this? Or is it truly useful in terms of getting information out. (Unfortunately, a lot of that information is false or incorrect.)
Certainly a lot of bad information is being circulated that contributes to the problem. The network news is filled with too much of their personal opinions and questionable "facts". Even the authorities seem to often disagree or mislead. Hard to know where to get good info. Common sense and a good BS sensor are becoming very valuable skill sets.
How do y'all think social media is contributing to the fear and panic? Do you think we'd be better off without it during a crisis such as this? Or is it truly useful in terms of getting information out. (Unfortunately, a lot of that information is false or incorrect.)

I actually find twitter is a bit calmer and a nicer place to be the past couple of weeks (and, since we all get to curate our own feeds, you can cull the bad and keep the good to your liking.) If you think Twitter is a cesspool, you're doing it wrong ;)

Seeing other people generally trying to lift others up, sharing pics of pets, a few handpicked journalists from a range of sources whom I usually find to be fact-based, some writers, cartoonists, gamers, cos-players, IRL friends, etc.

(I don't do facebook anymore, it's silly)
My TVs are not even hooked up to receive OTA broadcast, nor satellite transmission. They are only for watching DVD.

I use the Web to get info. And I get it from news broadcasters, domestic as well as international. I want to get facts, and can double check to see what is fact, vs fiction or opinion. With news channels, I also try to get what officials actually say, and not interpretation or spin by the newsmen.

As far as social Web sites, this forum is the only one I frequent.

Bad news do not turn me off. I have lived through a lot worse. I can handle this. And I also check my stocks frequently through the day.
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"While information technology has benefited humanity in so many ways, its consequences are troubling. Having a device in our hands that offers easy answers to any need tends to reduce our cognitive capacities. I have actually designed a course for first-year business students to try to repair the intellectual damage of smartphones. Big data has sorted me into tribal communities of people who think like me so I won’t need to be challenged by ideas (I’ve banned or blocked those who disagree with me). I’ll follow Google Maps to get from Point A to Point B; I’ll download an app that will write my term paper; I’ll find someone interesting by swiping right. In exchange, I have surrendered any analytical, critical capacity to make sound personal judgements – I lack the ability to properly manage risks. We have become sheep with all of our needs taken care of as we follow our tribe, follow our phones, follow the wolves…"

I'm tired of it all and I disagree with so much of the response. I'll leave it at that. Like one other poster mentioned in a different thread, something to the effect the economic consequences will be much more dire than the health consequences.
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So who else is experiencing COVID-19 overload? I saw a headline on my web home page that said "Rep Mark DeSauliner in critical condition with pneumonia after..." and immediately thought "now we have a Congressman with COVID". But clicking on the article I see he broke a rib and contracted pneumonia. Best wishes to the Congressman in any case.

In another post I linked a survey where 12.8% of Americans are afraid they already have COVID-19, when the data shows at worst case (say 15 times the current confirmed infections) less that 0.1% currently have it.

I think tomorrow I won't look at any news or forums :flowers:

So I basically took 24 hours off and feel much better :dance:

All I did today was play a computer wargame (this one if you are interested, read the Johnson era of Karnow's Vietnam, cooked dinner, and started watching the miniseries Containment on Netflix with DW. The later is rather over-the-top compared to COVID-19.

I only read a few headlines here and there, and logged in here after DW went to bed. Recommended.
Social media - any electronic means for people to interact should provide relief for from feeling isolated - phones, video chats, forums, etc. of course they are going to be full of wild stories as usual. That’s just kind of the human condition. But if people can’t interact electronically, far worse, IMO.
I logged off on Saturday after I got overloaded here. After two days, decided to peek and still feel I need more time away. Just too much info, both accurate and wild.

My choice. Nothing wrong with you all, you are all good. Off to my garden again for a while. Take care.

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