Daily WORDLE - 2022

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stumped me for a while today
Wordle 238 4/6

I had a wild hair tonight to try to think of the LEAST helpful starting word. So far, the best (worst?) I have come up with is "mummy." Can you [-]top[/-] bottom that? :)
Jazzy is the worst I can come up with…
Fell into place today, should be 3-4 every day now that I have the hang of it - famous last words… :blush:

Wordle 238 3/6

Wordle 238 4/6

I was getting worried

Wordle 238 5/6

Jazzy is the worst I can come up with…
DW plays a knock-off on her phone (game after game after game...). Yesterday, using her usual 3 starting words, she showed me an "A" an a "Y", none in the right place. I said "JAZZY", and it was right! What she didn't remember was that when we were team playing a week or so ago, we had the same quandary. I remembered it, she didn't.

Got a 5/6 today (bogey)

Today, I ran my random word generation program to get 4 starting words (instead of 3) that had a "high coverage score" [aband, porgy, oucht, slime]. I typed in the first 3 words and had 4 unique letters, none in the right place. I thought I had a solution, and typed it in, but it turned out that it used only 3 of the 4 :facepalm:. So a bogey instead of par.
Got a 5/6 today (bogey)

Today, I ran my random word generation program to get 4 starting words (instead of 3) that had a "high coverage score" [aband, porgy, oucht, slime]. I typed in the first 3 words and had 4 unique letters, none in the right place. I thought I had a solution, and typed it in, but it turned out that it used only 3 of the 4 :facepalm:. So a bogey instead of par.
I like that, so we're calling 4 a par? I had a birdie today, looking for my next eagle! [I have a double bogey already too, but not worse - yet]
Wordle 238 4/6

Wordle 238 3/6


Woot woot!
Wordle 238 4/6

I like that, so we're calling 4 a par? I had a birdie today, looking for my next eagle! [I have a double bogey already too, but not worse - yet]
I think it maps to golf pretty well, on a "hard course":

1 - hole in one
2 - eagle
3 - birdie
4 - par
5 - bogey
6 - double bogey

I think there's more luck in this game than golf, though; you could easily get a poor score through just bad luck.
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I think it maps to golf pretty well, on a "hard course":

1 - hole in one
2 - eagle
3 - birdie
4 - par
5 - bogey
6 - double bogey

I think there's more luck in this game than golf, though; you could easily get a poor score through just bad luck.

I think there is less luck in this game than golf because you have time and feedback to get the correct word. I played in a golf tournament on Wed and I played so poorly that I went home and told my husband that I was quitting golf. On Thu, I was 15 shots better than Wed and I am back to playing golf.
Back to 4 today, had a hard time thinking of a fit for my game.


------- DATE: - SCORE: - MEDIAN ---- AVG ---- GAMES PLAYED

12 Feb2022 ----------- 4 ------- 4.00 ----- 4.04 ----- 27

Got it in: 6's - 5's - 4's - 3's - 2's - 1's
----------- 3 --- 4 --- 12 --- 7 --- 1 --- 0

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