Dating advice?

Having posted the photo of the older muscular guy as a tease, I have to say that I wonder what a guy like that has to do to maintain his physique. He may spend so much time on that effort, his lifestyle may feel boring to ordinary men.

I think one needs to stay fit as he/she ages. It's not just for look, but also for health. But not everyone cares to pump iron for a couple of hours each day. Admittedly, it also takes some discipline that most people lack. :)

That's a good point. I do a little over an hour of cardio every day, which means it doesn't rule my life. I was SO proud of myself for finishing a Duathlon in 2 hours, 40 minutes last week- then I checked the individual results and noticed that two 70-year old men (thus, 4 years older than I) did it an HOUR faster! I wonder what % of their day is spent at the gym. I had an uncle who was a marathon runner in the 1970s and died at age 42 of a massive heart attack. I know my Aunt loved him but she said that in many ways it wasn't that different after he was gone because he was always out running, anyway.


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Having posted the photo of the older muscular guy as a tease, I have to say that I wonder what a guy like that has to do to maintain his physique. He may spend so much time on that effort, his lifestyle may feel boring to ordinary men.

I think one needs to stay fit as he/she ages. It's not just for look, but also for health. But not everyone cares to pump iron for a couple of hours each day. Admittedly, it also takes some discipline that most people lack. :)

Photo touching up can do wonders for one looks. They have been turning mildly pretty gals into sexy sirens for years. I see no reason they can't do it with men. If they can shrink a woman's waistline and thighs, and enlarge her bosom, they can add some ripple to a man's gut. Heck that may not even be his real body. He might have had a head transplant. :D

Maybe it's the tattoo. Do women really find men with big macho tattos attractive?
Although I have never been that close with a tattooed man, I don't find tattoos, of themselves, unattractive. In fact, I enjoy looking at them and talking to the owner about what the tattoo means to them (it usually means a lot, or they wouldn't have gone to all that trouble).

Now, the content, execution, or placement of the tattoo could be an issue. I'm not sure what a "macho" tattoo is, but anything self-consciously "macho" usually puts me off...a man needn't wear it on his sleeve, so to speak. And a "prison tattoo" would surely be a no-no! :LOL:


Maybe it's the tattoo. Do women really find men with big macho tattos attractive?
The photo on the left is icky, but the one on the right is positively scary. There is all sorts of room for an attractive "middle ground."

Ah, the middle ground. :)

Some men looking at the photos will think, "I will take just 1/2 the dosage and it should be enough". :cool:
Having posted the photo of the older muscular guy as a tease, I have to say that I wonder what a guy like that has to do to maintain his physique. He may spend so much time on that effort, his lifestyle may feel boring to ordinary men.

I think one needs to stay fit as he/she ages. It's not just for look, but also for health. But not everyone cares to pump iron for a couple of hours each day. Admittedly, it also takes some discipline that most people lack. :)

That guy is in great shape, but realistically 20 or so minutes a day is all that most people need to build a decent amount of muscle that looks good as long as they do it right. The diet part of it (losing fat to display the muscle) is an entirely different issue and difficult for most.
That guy is in great shape, but realistically 20 or so minutes a day is all that most people need to build a decent amount of muscle that looks good as long as they do it right. The diet part of it (losing fat to display the muscle) is an entirely different issue and difficult for most.

90% of abs are made in the kitchen. Unfortunately, so are 100% of the pizzas.
I lost about six pounds (that I didn't need or want to lose) due to the stress of our recent move. I weighed about 126, which is much too low for me. Lo and behold, suddenly I had a six-pack. A very obvious one. Now that the weight is back on, I still have visible abs, but none of that "definition" people so admire nowadays.

In other words: To look the way one is "supposed" to look, I have to be significantly underweight. That's just dumb.

TThe diet part of it (losing fat to display the muscle) is an entirely different issue and difficult for most.
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Height/weight ratio?

She posted her height earlier somewhere. People who are curious can search for it (she was not short). :)
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^^^ That's a 6-pack many men never had, and never will. :LOL:
She posted her height earlier somewhere. People who are curious can search for it (she was not short). :)

As I say, I really don't care, but why would someone who provides unsolicited information take umbrage when asked for clarification?
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In other words: To look the way one is "supposed" to look, I have to be significantly underweight. That's just dumb.

Having a 6-pack if you're fit and getting good nutrition isn't underweight for most people. It may be close to underweight but it's not unhealthy.
As I say, I really don't care, but why would someone who provides unsolicited information take umbrage when asked for clarification?

Volunteering information is one thing. Sometimes being asked a question about a physical aspect can seem "creepy" to a woman. Chalk it up to just part of our charm.

No judgement....just trying add a potentially clarifying reason.
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