Did you feel the earth move this morning?

In Arizona, we joke that after the next big one, we will have ocean views. I guess that the same is going to be true of Ohio.
Newscasters going wild here at the Iowa-Illinois border over the earthquake. Biggest amount of excitement here in years (if you get my drift..zzzz).
NOW I realize what all that noise was in my semi-conscious state..the earthquake. Who woulda thunk one would hit Podunkville in the Midwest.
Was awake in bed about 4:30am in the Chicago 'burbs and the house started creaking. Lasted for about 15 - 20 seconds. Knew it was an earthquake 'cuz I was living in the Philippines in '69 (plus/minus 1) and a 7.3 hit about 3 in the A.M. and I woke up with my bed sliding around on a hardwood floor with a few bucks in between for what seemed forever. Next morning, on the news was that an apartment building in Chinatown in Manila had collapsed like a pancake, killing a lot of people. Never forgot that one.
I did wake up at that time.

Thinking more about this: I recall thinking it was raining and being briefly confused because there was no possibility of rain in the forecast.
One guy at work thought it must really be windy outside (which is typical around here on any given day) because the house was making a little noise. He was puzzeled when he got up and saw it was basically still out.
Was awake in bed about 4:30am in the Chicago 'burbs and the house started creaking. Lasted for about 15 - 20 seconds. Knew it was an earthquake 'cuz I was living in the Philippines in '69 (plus/minus 1) and a 7.3 hit about 3 in the A.M. and I woke up with my bed sliding around on a hardwood floor with a few bucks in between for what seemed forever. Next morning, on the news was that an apartment building in Chinatown in Manila had collapsed like a pancake, killing a lot of people. Never forgot that one.

Ruby Towers. I remember that one too.
We pay for earthquake insurance. This guarantees that we will never have an earthquake.

Sort of an "inverse Murphy's Law" effect, like when I bought a snow thrower and didn't see a snowflake for four years.

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