Divorce after 55

bennevis said:
It's a very tough choice: be miserable with the current spouse and have some money, or divorce the spouse and be poor.

Perhaps I am just an eternal optimist. I have never divorced but am widowed. I still believe one day I will find another love. Will he have the assets I have? Doubtful. Will he have some? Yes. If we join forces will it be economically better for both? I hope so.

There are lots of equitable financial settlements in divorce. If you squander it, then you may not be a good candidate to connect with a FIRE type. If you conserve and grow it, then you may still find a compatable match in life, love & finances. Every obstacle in life has an upside even though it may be after a dark period. Appreciation does not come from having everything you want when you want it...

Ok, I will jump off my soapbox now! ;)
crazy connie said:
Appreciation does not come from having everything you want when you want it...
True! It comes from time in the market. :)

Sam said:
What would happen if your income at that time was zero (unemployed)?

In my state there is something called "imputed income" which is the amount of income you're capable of earning. If your actual income is less than your imputed income, your imputed income will be used to determine child support and alimony. The idea is to prevent a CEO from punishing his or her spouse by working for Burger King and thus generating lower CS payments. In practice if you're unemployed and going through a divorce it can be scary. BTDT.

FinanceDude said:
Some guys got divorced because they were going blind............. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: (You know what I'm getting at, I assume?)

Lol all I can say er type w/e!
bennevis said:
It's a very tough choice: be miserable with the current spouse and have some money, or divorce the spouse and be poor.
You know we have had to sacrifice compared to the situation before but we have persevered and are now emerging in a much better financial situation. The "we" is because I have found a soulmate. We will move to a lower cost country if necessary but we will not count our happiness based on what we own.

For me, it is an easy choice but at the time it was definitely not!

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