Do You Go Somewhere Every Day?


Recycles dryer sheets
Nov 27, 2011
Yorktown, VA
We seem to—even if it’s just the grocery store, but sometimes it feels like created need trips that we need to stop. We are only one year out of retirement, so perhaps we can morph into homebodies as time passes.
No. I am perfectly happy staying home most days. On average, I go "somewhere" about 3 days a week.
We do too but not just to the store, there's hiking , biking, out for breakfast or lunch. Visiting relatives and friends. We don't like to stay cooped up in the house either, most days we go somewhere.
We try too, our goal is to get out of the house everyday-lol.
Mostly for errands, but sometimes just a drive to get us out and about, sometimes to visit kids/grandkids.
We don't travel a lot and really are "homebodies". We both enjoy it when we do travel, but right now, we have little grandkids in town and we usually see them each week. Give parents some time alone!
We did 4 trips our first year of retirement, and that was too much for me. One or two seemed to be a good fit, then covid hit and we have not gotten back into travel yet.
Most days to favorite coffee shop. 10 miles one way. No traffic lights. There are the usual suspects present most mornings. Good BS sessions.
The last time I left the house was Saturday morning, to make a run to the liquor store and Aldi. So at this point, I haven't left the house in about 73-74 hours. I was going to go out today and do some hiking on the local trails, but lost my ambition. It's cloudy and dreary out, around 45 degrees, and I think they're calling for rain later.

I'm going to be forced to leave the house tomorrow though...I'm supposed to go into the office one day per week, and I picked Wednesdays.

I do want to start getting out of the house more often, though. Especially now, with the short days, I should probably do it more often. My house is in a slight valley, and this time of year the sun barely gets above the tree line in back, so the house is pretty much in full shadow all day long, other than what sunlight comes in between the tree limbs. There's also a hill in back, so even if sunset is still around 5pm "officially", it's pretty much set by a little after 4.

I have noticed on days that I get out of the house, my mood does improve a bit, and I get a little more energy. Even walking up to the mailbox on a sunny day seems to improve my mood, since the driveway entrance is up on a hill, and does get some pretty direct sun.
We are pretty much out of the house every day, but only once or twice a week via auto. We have dozens of hiking trails nearby and make daily use of them.
I leave the house when I need or want something from a store or have something else to do (dinner with friends, doctor appt., etc.). I stay at home all day at least one day a week on average I guess. During the winter months, that probably extends to 3 days a week or so. I'm perfectly content to entertain myself in the house. It varies though.
We're 12 miles from grocery, restaurant and shopping locations, 5 miles from the nearest convenience store. We typically go out 2-3 times a week but that may increase now that we have an EV.
Yes, we usually have several fun events or club activities planned each week and then the other days it is some kind of errand or appointment. We live near a network of hiking trails so if nothing else we usually go for a walk on the trail. I try to make a tentative list of events a month or so in advance so we always have a bunch of fun stuff to look forward to.
This is one of the things COVID changed that's been permanent for me. I used to go to the gym every day. It closed for a long time and I discovered on-line workouts. I haven't gone back. Now I generally have two "no-car" days per week. I may work in the yard or hike to the Post Office to check my PO Box (3.5 miles RT) or to the local grocery, which is a little shorter. I also have a paved-over section of the Rock Island line near my house and frequently walk or bicycle there.

A friend who must be less of a hermit goes out every day. The gym, the Post Office box and the bank to check his balance on weekdays (yes, he knows he can do it on-line), pays many bills in person. His daughter and her family are 45 minutes away so he's usually there on the weekends. I don't get it but it works for him.
Feel bad when I don't leave the house all day. I like to get out for a walk or a bike ride or a gym visit every other day. Errands and friends get me out the other days.

Winter weather is finally here. That does keep me in more than it should. We should be getting out of the cold for January though and will do some day hikes.

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I go somewhere every day. Today early trip to town for a coke, now at MIL’s and doing grocery shopping. I probably go to the hardware store or menards 4-5 times a week.
No. Don't see the point to go somewhere everyday just for the sake of going somewhere everyday.
Do walk the dog twice a day for up to 5 miles but that doesn't count.
Love my property and privacy.:)
I probably get out once a week, if that. I have become quite the homebody over the last few years. I should correct this...I don't DRIVE anywhere very often. I am out of the house a couple of times a day...walking the dog, walking the property, etc.

DW and I took a road trip to see some friends in San Antonio recently and dealing with SO MANY PEOPLE and idiot drivers will have me sitting at home for several days before I have ANY desire to see the sheeple.

Our neighbors, though? No less than 8 trips per day coming and going and going and coming and going and coming. It wears me out just thinking about it.

I don't much understand the "going to the store" 3 or 4 times a week. We *might* hit up the store once a week, but it's usually 10-14 days between trips.
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I go out most days. We have a wealth of retail within 5 miles and I’ve been doing more of our grocery shopping since the start of the pandemic.
I look forward to my daily afternoon errands. Lunch is involved, hardware and grocery stores, the boat maybe the bank or the doc or dentist. I like to make a loop with multiple stops.
I go out every day usually on foot and usually with a stop for coffee, lunch, afternoon tea or some other eating activity.

Now that we have an EV we will probably drive a few miles more often to go on such walks.
This is one of the things COVID changed that's been permanent for me. I used to go to the gym every day. It closed for a long time and I discovered on-line workouts. I haven't gone back. Now I generally have two "no-car" days per week. I may work in the yard or hike to the Post Office to check my PO Box (3.5 miles RT) or to the local grocery, which is a little shorter. I also have a paved-over section of the Rock Island line near my house and frequently walk or bicycle there.

The details differ a bit, but this is very much my story. The “gym” is now in the basement.
The nearest "anything" (small store, gas station, burger place, etc) is about 15 miles away. Anything a bit more fancy is further away. We get out about 3 times a week on avg.
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Meet my ROMEO group of friends almost every morning at 7:00 AM for coffee/breakfast at the local Burger King. We have been meeting for over a decade. This is a group of 5 - 15 guys each day. :)
We drive about 3 or 4 times per week, for grocery shopping or going to get a take out meal for lunch, or even nip out to get a movie from Redbox.

We also go out to garden or take care of the yard, or walk around the neighborhood in nice weather, or work in the garage on some project.

I stopped the random/make up an excuse to drive to some store everyday, when I realized we needed to downsize and I needed to STOP buying loads of stuff that just sits and doesn't get used.

Now I only go out if we need something, and I do try to combine my trips together.
We only drive about 2,000 -> 3,000 miles locally each year
We seem to—even if it’s just the grocery store, but sometimes it feels like created need trips that we need to stop. We are only one year out of retirement, so perhaps we can morph into homebodies as time passes.
No, I enjoy staying home most days (unless traveling). We only run errands 2-3 times a week. Sometimes less. The car doesn’t get used that much unless on a road trip.

That doesn’t mean I don’t get outside. There is plenty of walking and cycling to be done right from our house. We have a big state park next door.
I combine trips for errands and minimize driving trips so if you mean driving, I'm a big NO! Car averages about 1.5 trips/week if I don't go paddling and I drive to transport my board.

If not restricted to automobile then yes I run, bike, or walk daily, walk to weekly card games, walk or bike to music venue to meet friends 1-2x week, etc. Very rare are the days I don't leave the house... usually it is because of a hurricane or other inclement weather.

I love being so close to so much.. I would like a park closer to my home since I have no yard. I just pulled up my walk score:


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