Does Really Tough Exercise Make You Feel Younger?

I did look. Pretty much ever study was about pro level cyclists not recreational ones. If you are pro level it may well be true since you probably spend hours/day on a bike. If you are recreational you likely also do other things like walking the dog etc

...Even more encouraging, most recreational cyclists probably don’t need to worry too much about their bones. “The studies to date have looked primarily at racers,” Smathers says. “That’s a very specialized demographic. These guys train for hours at a very high intensity. They sweat a lot. They never go for runs. They don’t usually do much weight-lifting,” to avoid adding bulk. “They’re strange.” He knows. “For competitive riders, I’d recommend spending some time weight-training.” If you do race or train hard and often on a bike, consider a bone scan, he says. “It’s good to know your status.” For himself, his racing career ended with hip surgery and four metal pins in the joint after his second severe crash. “I do miss racing,” he says. On the plus side, his latest bone scan, completed just weeks ago, shows that his bone density, while still low, is increasing.

I don't run either but I haven't run for decades as my knees are far too bad to run without a great deal of discomfort. So for cardio I have to do low impact. As I said above the real serious cyclists wouldn't dream of going to the gym to weight lift...they might end up with more upper body weight and be slower climbers :D...hey if they worry about tires that are 100 grams more than their current ones they sure as hell don't want to put on 10lbs of muscles that don't drive the bike faster
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