Double-dipping danger

Watched the video.

I have been in situations where I witnessed double-dipping. It's kinda gross. Once I have determined double-dipping has happened, I no longer dip, but there are times when one is not in a position to make this determination. The strategy of avoiding dipping where double-dipping has already occurred works well in a table-service restaurant situation in which one has had full view of the dipping station, and perhaps not so well in a party situation in which one has not had constant surveillance of the dipping station.

Personally, I break the chips (or whatever is being dipped) into what I can consume with one bite, and dip that -- to avoid double-dipping ... and I wish everybody would do the same or similar -- but I realize that is a high expectation.

While I am fully willing to share a bowl of salsa or dip with any of you here, I don't think I want to "do the equivalent of kissing any of you".

On the bright side, it seems like most people (at least the ones with which we have contact) do not double-dip.

There are lots of creative people here. Can any of you come up with a "No double-dipping" graphic? And a good way to display it by the bowl of dip?
When I was a kid I would give our dog a lick of my ice lolly or ice cream cone. I don't think I'd do that these days :)

Mythbusters did a program on double dipping and showed that increased risk of infection was extremely small, but there was an increased chance.

This article includes details of the Mythbuster tests:

Party Foul! Is Double Dipping Truly Dangerous? - Page 2 - DivineCaroline

When it comes down to it, double dipping doesn’t lead to the explosion of germs that Seinfeld suggested it does, but it does subject you to some degree of bacteria, so it’s good to keep that in mind, especially during cold and flu season. Just don’t let a bowl of dip at a party turn you into a germaphobe. As Adam Savage, cohost of MythBusters, said at the end of his double-dipping experiment, “Besides, what the heck’s your immune system for, anyway?”
When I was a kid I would give our dog a lick of my ice lolly or ice cream cone. I don't think I'd do that these days :)

Mythbusters did a program on double dipping and showed that increased risk of infection was extremely small, but there was an increased chance.

This article includes details of the Mythbuster tests:

Party Foul! Is Double Dipping Truly Dangerous? - Page 2 - DivineCaroline

Well, Alan,
I am kinda with you on that one, but
when we were kids we did all kinds of things that we would not do now.

Or maybe not.
Well, Alan,
I am kinda with you on that one, but
when we were kids we did all kinds of things that we would not do now.

Or maybe not.


I certainly don't worry at a party about the dangers of double dipping.


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I once saw a woman sharing her ice cream with a dog -- letting him lick the spoon. What she didn't know was that I just seen the dog vomit and then eat the vomit.
I once saw a woman sharing her ice cream with a dog -- letting him lick the spoon. What she didn't know was that I just seen the dog vomit and then eat the vomit.

And what the dog didn't know... was what the women did right before she bought the ice cream!!!

Or... maybe THAT'S WHY the dog threw up :D
There are lots of creative people here. Can any of you come up with a "No double-dipping" graphic? And a good way to display it by the bowl of dip?
I cheated and got one on the net.

...btw, when I was in my 20's and 30's, I was double-dipped a lot on the dance floor. Such fun! :D

I'm now in my 50' would prolly kill me. :dead:


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You have to watch those olive bar things in the grocery store too. I used make myself a mixed container of olives and marinated peppers all the time. Then one day I watched a youngster standing beside his mom reach in and eat a few handfuls. I'm sure his hands were sanitary but it's been ixnay on the olive bar after that.
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