Favorite Books/Websites About Life After Retirement

Travels with Charley: In Search of America
by John Steinbeck
I posted earlier but it never showed up. Midpack, thanks for sticking up for me!! I appreciate it. I guess I should have been more clear in my original post to help avoid some comments. I have plenty to do in retirement. I was actually thinking more along the lines of stories/books by others who have traveled, lived overseas, etc. I enjoy reading about such things, sort of like some people enjoy reading fiction. Relaxing and fun for me. I appreciate the comments.
Then I misunderstood what you were after as well. :blush:
15 INSPIRATIONAL BLOGS ON TRAVEL AFTER RETIREMENT https://portskipper.com/resources/travel-after-retirement/

You'll want to include "travelogue" with the phrases you search. When I searched for travelogue written by retirees about life after retirement, the link above came up first.

Of course the problem with free blogs is that you may suffer through many ads and popups. But there is probably one gem found from that link.

For actual travel books written by retiree(s), it may be best to also include something like NY Times in the search phrase.

When I first came to this forum, I chose the username "Want2Retire", because I was SO ready to retire. Every single person in my family was retired, except for me, and I had worked so hard all my life. I daydreamed about what I could/would do in retirement. Why would I need somebody else to tell me what to do with my precious retirement time? I didn't. So, I never even read the Zelinski book much less any of the others. I've been retired for 14 years now, and never once felt like I didn't know what to do.

Now there's nothing wrong with reading those books if you think they'll help you! We're all different. I'm just saying that for me they were unnecessary. I do like reading posts by our members who are having a lot of fun in retirement doing things I might never had thought of doing. Posts like that are inspiring, or at least very pleasant to read!

Yes that makes sense! I’ve been retired a couple years thus far, and have found plenty to do. Life not perfect or magical…working life wasn’t either. But wouldn’t trade best day working for worst day retiring for a second. Read one book on subject (can’t remember which one), but seemed rather obvious, find stuff to do don’t sit watching tv, so that was it. Just living life now and enjoying it.
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Midpack….. I just wanted to say I love your posts and look forward to your wisdom. Just the fact that you recommended this book I don’t need a review. I went to Amazon checked out the table of contacts and thought heck 10 bucks on Kindle. Thank you for your trusted wisdom and I do love this website. There are so many wise and wonderful people willing to share their experiences.

I’ve been retired since I was 51. I am currently 68. I’ve been reading this website for as long as I can remember… Which, and every year gets a little worse
Don't remember the title and author but there was a book I read about 12 years before retiring that inspired me greatly. The book was written by a former policeman who bought a pop top camper trailer after retiring and spent years traveling all over America with his wife. They kept their home so were not totally nomadic, but every year they would decide on a destination and travel slowly to see all the landmarks and sites that they had always wanted to see. The book was full of anecdotes about the funny things and the amazing things they saw and did.

I changed my life entirely after reading that book. I heard about a thing called FIRE and read all I could about it. My husband and I realized we could manage our finances to retire early and one of the main things we wanted to do was to see Australia while young enough to enjoy it. We paid off our home years ago have sufficient funds to be able to spend 2 or 3 months every year for the rest of our life, exploring our great big country.

We camped in a tent in the early years while still working and later bought a second hand camper trailer which was the next level up in comfort and the year before I retired we paid cash for a small caravan which is even more comfortable and very light to tow. We've traveled extensively since 2018 and have been to every state in Australia but as there is a lot of country we haven't seen, the journey continues.
I posted earlier but it never showed up. Midpack, thanks for sticking up for me!! I appreciate it. I guess I should have been more clear in my original post to help avoid some comments. I have plenty to do in retirement. I was actually thinking more along the lines of stories/books by others who have traveled, lived overseas, etc. I enjoy reading about such things, sort of like some people enjoy reading fiction. Relaxing and fun for me. I appreciate the comments.

I have always enjoyed travel all over the US and internationally. Your post got me thinking of retirement travel blogs that people write so I did a quick Google search. Here are a couple of links from that search. I haven't read any yet but will plan some time to read a few. Maybe something there would be useful for you.



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