Fearing my quarterly appointment ...


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
May 3, 2014
Just got back from my quarterly appointment all good news -down a few pounds, sugar down, cholesterol down, liver all good. So why the fear? It’s the same every time. “We would like to see your numbers down Ray”

The last few weeks I’ve been slipping in 2 Oreos when I’m starving and having a whisky when i feel like it. I’ve done the saint route and have lost a little weight. So i expected the worse and i was wrong.

I suspect ‘numbers’ improved because I’ve been working hard cleaning up the yard after removing the pool. I also suspect my pre retirement sedentary life as a coder was not helping my health.

I’ll think about joining a gym anyway I’m going to have a whiskey or two tonight.
Edit: when I’m not to tired from tree removal, clean up etc, i walk.
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Slainte mhaith! I just finished a glass of Ardbeg Uigeadail, it's one of my new favorites! (My avatar is from many years ago, when I was just starting to get into scotch!)

See if you can get in some walking, or at least some time getting your heart rate up while watching TV or reading. I have an elliptical machine in the basement in front of a TV connected to a Roku, so I watch shows while I work out. I used to read APHA journals, but I've gotten lazier as I get older. :D
Just got back from my quarterly appointment all good news -down a few pounds, sugar down, cholesterol down, liver all good. So why the fear? It’s the same every time. “We would like to see your numbers down Ray”

The last few weeks I’ve been slipping in 2 Oreos when I’m starving and having a whisky when i feel like it. I’ve done the saint route and have lost a little weight. So i expected the worse and i was wrong.

I suspect ‘numbers’ improved because I’ve been working hard cleaning up the yard after removing the pool. I also suspect my pre retirement sedentary life as a coder was not helping my health.

I’ll think about joining a gym anyway I’m going to have a whiskey or two tonight.
Edit: when I’m not to tired from tree removal, clean up etc, i walk.
Cut out the Oreos drink the whisky ( in moderation of course).
Just got back from my quarterly appointment all good news -down a few pounds, sugar down, cholesterol down, liver all good. So why the fear? It’s the same every time. “We would like to see your numbers down Ray”

The last few weeks I’ve been slipping in 2 Oreos when I’m starving and having a whisky when i feel like it. I’ve done the saint route and have lost a little weight. So i expected the worse and i was wrong.

I suspect ‘numbers’ improved because I’ve been working hard cleaning up the yard after removing the pool. I also suspect my pre retirement sedentary life as a coder was not helping my health.

I’ll think about joining a gym anyway I’m going to have a whiskey or two tonight.
Edit: when I’m not to tired from tree removal, clean up etc, i walk.
Best time to have the whiskey is when tired. Savor it.
Well, I'm at an all time high on weight, and my blood sugar's up.

Cutting bread, potatoes and especially ice cream has cut my blood sugar 50 points across the board.

Other than the Baskins Robbins cone of Ice Cream I had with the grandkids today, I'm pretty serious about the diet. Beats taking a bunch of meds that make me feel bad.
Just had my physical in May. At 75 1/2. All numbers good. No need for intervention, diets, pills etc. Still need to lose 15 pounds to get back to my best weight.

I did give up ice cream last year. :blush:
Just had my check up Friday. BP 103/62. Weight 179.5 (I'm 6-1).

I do have to apply Fluorouracil to my face for 2 weeks for "Pre-cancer". This would be my 2nd time with it.
My BP is always elevated when I'm at the doctor's office. :confused: I also dread having blood work done (not the stick - the analytics) . Don't know why, as numbers always great since I lost weight.

I cut back on the booze a while ago - got to be an abusive habit. But I still enjoy a beer after working in the heat. And, most nights, I have 2 glasses of wine prior to going to bed. It's an indulgence I wont deny myself. Enjoy your whiskey. Life is fleeting.
My numbers are good. I get about 2 hours on average of being active/working out a day. I cut out all “white food” pasta, potatoes, bread, crackers, etc from my diet and eat a low carb, low sugar diet AND my doctor still always tells me to lower my carbs and keep working out.
My BP is always elevated when I'm at the doctor's office. :confused:

Very common- DH used to call it "white coat syndrome". He bought a BP monitor and measured his at home, then took it into the doc's office to make sure it was providing correct measurements. His readings were always lower at home.

I cut back on the booze a while ago - got to be an abusive habit. But I still enjoy a beer after working in the heat. And, most nights, I have 2 glasses of wine prior to going to bed. It's an indulgence I won't deny myself. Enjoy your whiskey. Life is fleeting.

My Ex died of cirrhosis of the liver due to his alcohol abuse so I have a healthy fear of it. I love my nightly glass of scotch but have finally faced the fact that at 123 lbs. one 2-ounce "drink" is all I should be imbibing on a daily basis (some sites say 1.5 ounces). So, that's what I do unless I'm out with friends or family and then I relax a bit. Too much booze gives me migraines and disturbs my sleep so I never really go overboard.

I just decided that I like alcohol enough that I don't ever want a doctor to tell me I have to stop drinking it or it's gonna kill me, so I exercise moderation.
Your retired now. I would definitely join a gym and get in the routine of working out and walking. You’ll be amazed at how good you’ll feel. Make it happen. Jmho
Well, I'm at an all time high on weight, and my blood sugar's up.

Cutting bread, potatoes and especially ice cream has cut my blood sugar 50 points across the board.

Other than the Baskins Robbins cone of Ice Cream I had with the grandkids today, I'm pretty serious about the diet. Beats taking a bunch of meds that make me feel bad.

No kidding! Congrats, and keep it up Bamaman!
Cut out the Oreos drink the whisky ( in moderation of course).

+1, totally agree. It's the Oreos (and other processed junk food) that will kill you, not a little whiskey now and then. I slowly got rid of all of my junk food cravings (corn chips were the hardest) mostly by just never having that stuff in the house anymore. If it's not there, I can't eat it.
DW and I make it a point to always go shopping when well-fed. It reduces the desire to buy unhealthy foods.

Does not seem to work with liquor though.
Just got back from my quarterly appointment all good news -down a few pounds, sugar down, cholesterol down, liver all good. So why the fear? It’s the same every time. “We would like to see your numbers down Ray”

The last few weeks I’ve been slipping in 2 Oreos when I’m starving and having a whisky when i feel like it. I’ve done the saint route and have lost a little weight. So i expected the worse and i was wrong.

I suspect ‘numbers’ improved because I’ve been working hard cleaning up the yard after removing the pool. I also suspect my pre retirement sedentary life as a coder was not helping my health.

I’ll think about joining a gym anyway I’m going to have a whiskey or two tonight.
Edit: when I’m not to tired from tree removal, clean up etc, i walk.

how frequently and intensively to you do cardio?
I’ll think about joining a gym anyway I’m going to have a whiskey or two tonight.

Yeah, join the gym and keep the Oreos & Whisky. :)

I also suggest keep looking around for DIY projects in/and around your home. I got into DIY big time recently and I can feel how it helps my health, mentally & physically. However, I now have 3 remote control holders, 2 paper tower holders, 3 different electric tool jigs, garden tool holders, all kind of stuff painted, two wooden mallets, work bench rebuilt, foot stool, 20+ plant stands made with free logs, .....
I balance living a bit longer (at least 20 years) and enjoying myself. So, I could eat healthier but I also enjoy some of the finer fatty foods. I could stop or cut down drinking but I try and moderate my vice. I am very active between the gym or doing very physical home projects. Have hereditary BP risk that’s being managed. Have hereditary gout and arthritis that is being managed. I guess I’ll ride that fine line until they carry me in or out in a stretcher
I balance living a bit longer (at least 20 years) and enjoying myself. So, I could eat healthier but I also enjoy some of the finer fatty foods. I could stop or cut down drinking but I try and moderate my vice. I am very active between the gym or doing very physical home projects. Have hereditary BP risk that’s being managed. Have hereditary gout and arthritis that is being managed. I guess I’ll ride that fine line until they carry me in or out in a stretcher

Fat will not hurt you, as long as you eat the right kind of fat. Go for olive oil, butter, coconut oil, fat on your steak..........stay away from the industrial seed oils (corn oil, veg. oil, etc........any of the highly processed jug oils). We've been misled for years about the so-called dangers of things like butter and saturated fat.......it's all bunk. Refined carbs are what you want to avoid to stay healthy.

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