I have lately been contemplating the purchase of an iPod, for listening to music as well books/radio shows available at audible.com.
I was not familiar with this phenomena of "pod casting" but it sounds like the next generation of blog to me. You create your own mp3 radio show and other people can download from your website.
In my surfing, I ran across this web site with these 2 guys that do a little 15 minute show on fishing. Since it seems there are quite a few fishermen on this board with plenty of time on their hands, I thought this site may be of interest.
(also gave me the chance to practice posting a link on the board)
I was not familiar with this phenomena of "pod casting" but it sounds like the next generation of blog to me. You create your own mp3 radio show and other people can download from your website.
In my surfing, I ran across this web site with these 2 guys that do a little 15 minute show on fishing. Since it seems there are quite a few fishermen on this board with plenty of time on their hands, I thought this site may be of interest.
(also gave me the chance to practice posting a link on the board)