Forum Conversation Part 2


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Mar 16, 2011
I'm going to be busy over the next few weeks, so I thought I'd leave you with this latest conversation.

Our wingfooted FedExCourier came to my house the other day. SayHey24 he said: are you the NatureBoy? I have a camera delivery.

No, I said, he lives next door, he’s the Bigdawg photoguy. I’m DennisTheMeance but some call me cranberryjoe.

I thought you were a wingfooted Dancer373.

No, I said, I’m more of a Music Lover and spend most of my time being a Hermit at my homestead out inthesticks singing Viking songs about being a sailor and robnplunder.

Yeah? What’s your best song? Haha! “gimmieshelter”!

He gave me a Mulligan on that one, that song being so behindthetimes, but I think he thought I was a Kook, or, more likely, a prosptectivebum or DROUPOUT.

So, anyway, I called the Tractor guy but, being a travelover who RetireAge50 (mostly because he got FIREd), he wasn’t home.

As it was T-Minus 5PM (same timeasterday), I realized that timemoveson, I grabbed a bottle that Brewer sent me (no Sangiovese for me) and some of my Beststash and calleditquits for the day.
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Nicely done.
Getting better....will look for the next serial episode! :D
25000 more names to work with.
Will watch for preview on Amazon.
Thanks for the plug, Marko!

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Just noticed this today. Wow this is super wordsmithing.

I'm so literal (which annoys the heck out of my wife) that I could never even conceive of doing something clever like this.
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