Funny Tuesday Videos

Now that was funny. :D

Boy would I love to see her get a question from some of the more pompous posters. The lady could spot a phony a mile away.
sorry this isn't tuesday but i had to get approval from corporate.

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the following is capital r rated. do not open on business time or machinery. do not operate your computer in the presence of children. thank you, you have been warned.
ok it's not tuesday and this isn't funny but if you love animals you'll find this video really cute.

somewhat related to animal lovers & early retirement, i found what looks like a great place to interact with animals. for just $295/week you get to help wash the elephants down at the river. i think if i ever got to feed a bottle to a baby elephant i just might never come home.
lazygood4nothinbum said:
ok it's not tuesday and this isn't funny but if you love animals you'll find this video really cute.

somewhat related to animal lovers & early retirement, i found what looks like a great place to interact with animals. for just $295/week you get to help wash the elephants down at the river. i think if i ever got to feed a bottle to a baby elephant i just might never come home.

A college friend worked at a zoo and eventually became a vet. I went with her to the zoo a few times and got to feed a baby bear with a bottle. How the heck did I end up becoming a lawyer?
If you've ever tried to do this you'll enjoy the video.

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