Getting divorced: he partly blames RE dreams

I have been doing so much reflecting on this. My first impulse was to try to find someone right away, but I've read that broken attracts broken, so I've decided to take some time off from dating and just enjoy my life and truly heal. I am having a hard time fitting in all of the things I want to do for me, so I have no idea where I will find the time for dating, which is probably a good thing right now! I've heard different rules of thumb, but I think I'll just take things as they come and trust my gut about when I'm ready.

I think you're doing very well and making good decisions.

After my divorce I had every intention of remaining hard-core bachelor and was focused on being free to enjoy my job, buying a home by myself, and finally being able to do some fun stuff that I wanted to do instead of spending every dime on what the ex wanted to do.

I was dating DW-to-be but at the time I'd told her early that I wasn't marriage material, not wanting to "lead her on". It slowly dawned on me that I'd never felt more comfortable with anyone else in my life, but still thought about marriage for another year before I bought a small diamond ring.

The experience can be made a positive one. I probably wouldn't appreciate DW as much as I do if I hadn't been through that experience first.
When I divorced, I decided that I really needed to spend time with a counselor/therapist to understand why I had made some poor choices and how to make better ones. That really helped. I was also determined to learn and enjoy being single for a while so that I would not get involved with another relationship until I felt like a strong person on my own. Needless to say, dealing from a position of strength and confidence in myself meant that future relationships were on much healthier terms. And my very happy second marriage has been everything my first wasn't. We have been together 24 years, married 21. We are still very happy.

Good luck to you - focus on yourself for a while.
Good grief audreyh1. You could open up a whole new thread on this. Many years ago when I was dating, I decided that half the women were looking for what I would call a "loser." They wanted "excitement" which often involved some guy that would eventually show them some form of physical or psychological abuse. The other option of choice was some sort of "fixer upper" - just our of jail, out of work, just divorced..... Somehow being polite, respectful and holding a steady job seemed a turn off to a reasonable portion of the women I met. Fortunately, the other sector was more than adequate.
I was told it takes two years to recover from a divorce. They were right. As if by magic, about two years after my divorce was final, I suddenly realized one day, that I had not thought about my ex, the divorce or my old life for over a week. That was liberating!
Audrey I'm dealing with a friend who is choosing the same path to learning what made her make the awful set of decisions that led to her marriage to the guy I fondly call "the one man cult". She's ditched a couple of therapists who said she was fine. She wants to know what is wrong with her so she can fix it. Makes sense to me. I hope for her an outcome like yours.
Best of luck going forward with your life. Take it one day at a time for a bit.
It's been a few months again, so I've decided to update, for any who may be interested.

On the work front - my direct supervisor (who was wonderful) decided to leave to spend time with her family (I introduced her to YMOYL and a few other resources after she shared her decision -- we're kindred spirits and I've likely met a life-long friend in her.)

That means that I get to (have to?) take on more responsibility much earlier than expected, which is actually working out really well. I have much more access to the senior portfolio managers and directly report to a leader in the industry. Only three months after starting, I have moved from my work station to an office with an amazing view of the city!

Still planning on FIRE, but this job is such a perfect fit for me in every way (if I have to have one!)

On the divorce front - we have an accepted offer on our house and should close next week. We'll lose money (bought in 2005) but since we put 20% down, we won't have to bring money to closing which is what I really cared about at this point.

In about a month I will be debt free (not the way I envisioned being so!) though possibly not for long as I am thinking about buying a house in the spring. Prices and rates are just so attractive and I absolutely love this neighborhood.

Friends and family continue their amazing support. Life is really, really good!

On the dating front, since so many mentioned it earlier - I am just really enjoying being single! I'm not even sure where I'd find the time to date right now. I did go on an accidental date a few weeks ago when I thought it was just doing something with a friend, but I set him straight and I don't really consider it a date since I had no clue.

Although I try to go no contact as much as possible with my XH, we had to talk occasionally because of the house. I really pity him. He is a very unhappy person, and I rather suspect he always will be. He moves this weekend or next to a small town three hours away for work, and I hope that a change in scenery (and physical distance from his toxic family) will help him find some measure of peace about how he ruined his life by cheating.

Training for a marathon or two in the fall, trying to keep up with my reading goal for the year (commuting on the bus helps this; more active social life hurts this), and just having a fabulous time.

As always, I must extend my thanks to all of you who posted advice and supportive comments over the past few months. I've reread this thread many times and I credit it with helping me to stay strong and not go back to him (in the early days) and for giving me hope of better days ahead. Even a few months ago, I never thought I'd feel as great as I do right now, and I suspect that things will only get better. Yay!
Thanks for the update, Marathoner. You seem so much happier now!
Thanks for the update. Yes, we're still interested and I'm so glad things are turning out well for you.
WOOHOO!!! Everything sounds great, Marathoner.

And you sound so marvelously upbeat.

Thanks for the update.

Such good new from you Marathoner! Thanks for the update, you've come through this difficult time and have so much good life ahead.
Thank you so much for the update and I am delighted that you are on a smooth path. Don't be too tough on a guy who wants to date you. It is appropriate to let him know that you appreciate his desires but that right now because of your recent divorce the wisest relationship for the both of you is friendship.
This thread makes me optimistic. I'm amazed at how we'll you've overcome everything.

Thanks, as always, for the update.
Marathoner, thank you for sharing your journey on here. I know when I was much younger, running was my escape from a toxic family environment, I found the solitude refreshing.

I gave up running a long time ago, but running helped me keep my sanity when I needed an outlet, and it's a heck of a lot better for you than drugs or alcohol.........:)
Thanks for the current update and the previous updates. Just re-read the entire thread. What a great lesson in having the courage to take the healthy path, although not always the easy path initially. You go girl.
So nice to see a happy "ending"! What a catapult into a life reboot!
Since there was so much interest in this thread, I figured I would give an update.

I cannot believe how fabulous my life is now, and rereading what I wrote 11 months ago -- well, let's just say I can barely recognize the lady I was then. Again, I must say that you have no idea how much you helped me when I was in the worst place in my life. I wish I had more free time to spend with you wonderful people here!

We sold our house -- at a huge loss, but since I'd put 20% down and made extra payments, we didn't have to bring any money to closing. I am now debt-free, though possibly not for long as I am hoping to buy a house in the winter/spring, while prices and rates are still low.

My job is still fantastic. The organization is just top-notch, and I'm working with many geniuses in the industry, which should help me to achieve my dreams of early FI. And, one of my dear friends just started on my team, (I worked with her at a previous job) so I get to see her every day! Also, I now bicycle-commute to work, which had always been a dream of mine. It's just great. Some days I can't believe I love going to work! (Don't worry; still hoping to FIRE!)

My friends and family are just amazing. I have had so many new experiences in the past few months, and I am loving life. I thought I was happy before, but now I truly am.

It's rather funny how things fall into place. I thought my life was essentially over, and now it's almost surreal how wonderful things are.

veremchuka -- I'm not sure what happened to his mistress, as I haven't had contact with him in several months. The last time I spoke with him, he was still trying to get me back and said he'd finished with her for good. His plan was to remain single for the rest of his life, but I'm guessing that won't happen. I'm just happy he's leaving me alone and lives a few hours away from me.
IT is amazing what happens when you decide the only ******* you need to live with is the one God gave you.
Appreciate the update, Marathoner.

I'm happy everything is going so wonderfully for you!
I thought I should update since the thread has been revived a bit and there has been much that has happened. I could write a novel, but basically to make a long story short, recent events (Penn State scandal) brought up memories in him that he had repressed for nearly 30 years. I did some reading, and his actions/behaviors are textbook for what he went through.

He is very confused, going back and forth almost daily on whether he wanted to work things out or not. Once I found out about his background, I was more sympathetic about what was going on and would have been willing to give us another shot since he's getting the help he needs through counseling. He just needed to maintain no contact with her while we worked on our relationship to see if it could/should be saved.

I would tell myself I was done, but there was always a little glimmer of hope that things would work out. On Jan 1, he came home, sobbing, asked me to give him another shot -- that we needed to come to a decision together. I said as long as he tells her no contact while we figure things out, and total honesty. He agreed. We had a bunch of really long talks and good times Sunday and Monday. Lunch, football game, museum, etc. At that point, I would have put our odds of divorcing at 80%.

Then, last night, he accidentally left his e-mail up on the computer, and she'd contacted him. He responded, and after several more e-mails, they said "I love you" to each other. He'd told me that he had feelings for her but didn't know if he loved her or not. I am a visual person, so seeing that written out drained any remaining love I might have had for him. I could almost feel it leaving my body. I deserve so much better.

I felt this rage and anger that I hadn't before then or even ever in my life. It was actually really scary. I got really hot and my head was a bit cloudy and I was thinking about doing something violent towards him, though I restrained myself. I confronted him, and of course he was so sorry, etc.

This morning, I woke up with a profound sense of peace and calm. I know now that we are divorcing, and there's nothing that he can do to save the marriage, even if he decides that what he wants. He is far too damaged and couldn't even last one day of no contact with her.

If I'd made the final decision before today, I think I might have always wondered if I made the right decision, but this confirmed things for me.

I read "The Sociopath Next Door" and I don't think he is one. He does have traits of antisocial personality disorder, but a lot of those are also traits of people who have suffered like he has -- and his was of the worst kind in terms of age when it happened, who did it, duration, type, etc. Quite frankly, it's amazing that he's as normal as he is and isn't in prison somewhere.

This is a way condensed version of everything -- I was starting to question my sanity but now I know I'm going to be OK. I have a couple of j*b leads (mine ends in March -- I'm shutting a company down so need to stay for bonus/severance) and once I get one, I can find an apartment near work and begin my new life.

I will always care about him in some way. I feel terrible for what he's been through. I would have been there for him to help him through everything, but he made decisions and acted in ways that make that impossible.

It will be an interesting few months as I move on with my life and we try to hammer out a settlement. I'm getting excited about ER again! Since he wasn't on board (but pretended to be), I don't think that would have been possible with him. But, as a single lady with a well-paying career and low expenses, I am excited to see my investments grow. Oh, while we were talking, he took full blame for everything, said I couldn't have been a better wife, and his only complaint was that I focused on the future and wanted to retire early. He then conceded he was glad I did as we will both leave the marriage with a significant amount of retirement savings and a fair amount of cash. And he worries about how he will manage his money without me, but that's not my concern!!!

Thanks again for the wise words throughout my ordeal. I don't think I was in a place to really internalize them when this first happened (tomorrow is still only the one month anniversary of me finding out) but yesterday was the turning point. I suspect I may have some tough days yet ahead (I'm pretty certain Jan 1 wasn't the last time he's going to beg me to work things out) so my plan is to collate all of the wise words from this board, from my real-life friends, and elsewhere, and refer to them should my resolve weaken.

I wasn't married to my first husband very long (about 2 years) but I know in my bones I was meant to be in his life to help him save his life. I know he would be dead by now (like his brother and his father) if we had never been married. Your situation sounds very similar to mine. I wouldn't change anything that happened and I have no bitterness or hard feelings as I know it was meant to be.

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