Giving up expensive hobbies??

Kind of depends on what you call expensive. Photography and astronomy can get pricey, but rarely as much as cars and boats. I find myself trading one for the other. I used to be into Jeep and even bought one to tear down and restore. It's for sale. I traded my commuter car for a running jeep. I'll use the money to get stuff for the running Jeep. I'm selling my pontoon boat to finance something else. Maybe a telephoto lens for my camera. I bought the camera with money I got from selling some of my camping stuff.

If you love something do it. If it impedes your ability to FIRE, maybe you need to take it down a notch to balance your life a little. If it's a passion, why give it up to retire to have the free time to engage in the passion you just gave up? Work until you can afford both retirement and your passion. Otherwise it will eat away at you.
I expect (hope!) to spend more on hobbies in retirement than I do at the moment - that's one of the reasons I haven't retired already.

I am already cutting back on expensive wine but expect to spend more on other things - travel and photography in particular and possibly getting back into scuba diving and sailing which I used to do when younger but gave up in my mid twenties.
I've loved flying since I was a kid and used to own a plane. It's extremely out of sync with LBYM in my FIRE situation, though. Still feel the longing on a daily basis.
Speaking as a 62+ old gearhead, if it makes you grin and it's within your means, hang onto it as long as you can - life's too short not to enjoy the things you really love. Like your Camaro, my GTO isn't my daily driver - which makes it all the more fun when I can get behind the wheel (mostly on weekends).

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