good electric razor?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Jan 4, 2007
DH is looking for a new electric razor. Any recommendations? He tends to have trouble getting a close shave, the 5 o'clock shadow starts early.
The self cleaning Braun (clean and renew system) is the best I've ever found. Gives a very good close shave and is always clean.
+1 I've had a Braun clean & renew type for about 6-7 years, and just bought a new 390cc. Close shave and no skin irritation, I use it 4 times/week. Series 3 electric shaver models for shaving - Braun. There are higher end models too.

I owned a Remington, it was inferior - noisy, it pulled at my face and not as close a shave. I have not owned a Norelco, only because the ones I've handled seemed a little unwieldy, but they seen to get good reviews too.
I like Norelco. Actually I need a new one. My old Norelco is no longer cordless (batterey doesn't hold a charge, cord is electrical taped). I also have a working cordless Remmingoton cordless but I find myself prefering to used the Norelco for a closer shave.
I have a relatively light beard, so heavy duty cutting isn't an issue, and I've always looked for the quietest model I could find. Just don't want to deal with the noise first thing in the morning. Norelco has always seemed quietest to me, and I've been happy using them for decades.
I switched to the Braun clean/renew 390 this year from a norelco. I really like it. Glad I switched
I like the Norelco. The last one lasted almost ten years, I bought a new one about two years ago.

It's probably a "Ford vs. Chevy" decision.
Thanks for the suggestions! :flowers:
I used to be a Remington fan. I had one that worked great and lasted long time, through several battery, blade & screen replacements. Just kept on working great, and that was with very regular use. Finally, as with all mechanical/electrical things, it just was time to replace. I fully expected the same quality in a new Remington. Boy, was I dissappointed. I bought one, after reading great reviews on several sites on the internet. By the time this shaver was only a couple of months old, I could already tell the blades were noticeably less sharp, and shortly after that, the pop-up trimmer began to be difficult to close. Over a few weeks, I had to push harder & harder to get it to stay retracted. Finally, about 4 months after buying this shaver, it went into the trash. I'm about to pick up a new Braun, hopefully it'll last longer than that last Remington.
I've had the same Braun for 20 years now, and it's still working fine (I buy new blades now and then). I found it to be better than the Norelco I had.

It doesn't work well if I haven't shaved for a few days. In that case, the trick is to first cut the whiskers with a trimmer, then use the shaver.
I still use a blade, haven't found an electric that worked well. I suppose I have sensitive skin, when I used an electric razor (Norelco) it would cause little pimples to show up on my chin. Not to mention I can get away with shaving every other day or every 3rd day...
I still use a blade, haven't found an electric that worked well. I suppose I have sensitive skin, when I used an electric razor (Norelco) it would cause little pimples to show up on my chin. Not to mention I can get away with shaving every other day or every 3rd day...

I think one's skin gets accustomed to either blade or electric. In earlier years, I had only used blade. Now my face is so familiar with electric that it would feel odd using a blade --plus, I'd probably slice my face up with nicks and cuts :LOL:
The self cleaning Braun (clean and renew system) is the best I've ever found. Gives a very good close shave and is always clean.
Braun - Electric shavers, shaving & grooming for men

Strange... I bought a Braun because of reading recommendations.... worst decision on shavers ever...

It was VERY noisy... it did not shave well... it irritated my skin a lot...

Maybe the newer ones are better... but I am not willing to find out....

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