Have you actually calculated how much you spend for coffee annually?

No. The quality and the taste of the coffee is more important to us than the price. We grind our own beans, do Melita pour overs. We have been doing this ever since we got married in 1973. We prefer European style coffee. We are happy to pay $3. for a cup of coffee to our taste. Not happy to pay $1. for a 20oz cup of coffee from a corner store or fast food place that we typically dump after the first few sips.

We have been retired for ten years. We only keep track of two numbers. The first is our after tax monthly/annual spend. The second is our quarterly/annual investment income.

No idea whatsoever what we spend on each of coffee, or toilet paper, red wine, or saltine crackers or anything else during the year. We have no reason to do so.
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We like the Starbucks Sumatra blend of coffee. Nice and smooth, not bitter. Great flavor. I don’t worry about the cost. I’ve made more in SBUX stock than I could ever spend there. Plus I get about a third of our coffee for free from family connections.
In the last two months:
September trip to Kailui-Kona, HI to pick up one lb of whole beans - $1500
October trip to Boquete, Panama to pick up 3 pounds of whole beans. - $3000

The Geishi beans from Unido in Boquete are my favorite this year. Not bad surroundings while shopping either. The first pick of the season was just starting up the hill at the plantations.

So about $2200 a month or a little over $1000/lb. I did lounge around for 10 days on each trip so I could have cut some out of that budget :cool:.
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I don't like beer and wine.so I spend nothing on that.

Perhaps the next thread should be what do you spend on BEVERAGES in a year? That could get interesting. My broke friend only drinks water, but only bottled water, so even that isn't free.

Water is boring.
When I had an office job, the company bought the coffee.
They probably would have given amphetamines if it was legal. :angel:

As for underwear I buy a 6 pack maybe every year or 2.
Seems like it was up around $20 last time, eeek.

Don't spend much on other clothes either.

I don’t spend much on clothes. Purchase most of mine from Goodwill.
Don’t care. As in other edibles/drinkables I care most about quality.

I don’t very rarely buy coffee drinks out, takeout or go to restaurants, but I spend plenty on high quality ingredients and that’s just fine with me as it’s a top priority.

I purchase the lowest cost no matter what the ingredients. I don’t remember when I read the ingredients for myself.

Organic type foods never purchase them. Too expensive.

Like something like blueberries having organic in these makes no sense.

No man made ingredients in these so who needs to spend extra on those.
coffee? $0
chocolate? more than $0 but i do not want

Chocolate is always good. I purchase containers of frosting like mostly vanilla, chocolate flavours. Feast on those right out of the container as a snack.
and i've never tasted coffee. and we've never had coffee or a coffee pot in our house since we've been married. i worked 35-years in public safety and friends wonder how i got thru it without coffee, nicotine or alcohol.

but one day my boss did ask me to make a pot of coffee for a meeting with some of the police and fire chiefs in our system. ok, i thought, how hard could this possibly be? we had one of those Mr. Coffee machines but no pre-measured packs in those days. so....there were 7 or 8 people in the meeting so i used one scoop of coffee for one person. i truly had no idea how much coffee to use. LOL...i was never asked to make coffee again. :dance: :LOL:

I will have to admit I have drank coffee twice in my life.

Once at my grandmums house and once at a WaffleHouse cause that was the only drink available at the time. That was in 1989.

And if I did figure it up, I would be forced into looking into how much I spend on golf and other expenses and I don't want to do that. :mad:

I'm retired and can spend what I want on whatever tickles my fancy. ;)
My housemate does most of the grocery shopping, so I honestly don't know how much a lot of things are, these days. In a roundabout way though, I found out that the coffee itself isn't that expensive.

Some of my Grandmom's Depression era thinking stays with me, after all these years, and I hate wasting food/drink. So when we make coffee in the morning, I always make sure it's finished. Usually that's not a problem, since we both drink it, and I probably drink too much of it. But, there have been times when there would be some left, and it would sit. We'd forget about it for whatever reason, and it would go to waste. Never more than a cup or two, I'd imagine, but I just hate waste, and cringe a bit when it got dumped out.

So, one day I asked him how much the coffee itself cost. He couldn't remember, but said that it's actually pretty cheap. So, it's not like we're going bankrupt if it gets dumped out. Old habits die hard, though.

Yesterday, I made a smaller pot than normal, because he's out of town, and I was going on a day trip, so I wouldn't have a long morning to sit around drinking it. Still, I wasn't able to finish it. But, I just let it sit, and when I got home that evening, I just mixed it with some chocolate milk, and drank it.

Perhaps that's not everybody's cup of tea, but I like it :p

Now, the way I normally make coffee, is probably a bit pricey. For my first cup, I mix in a scoop of protein powder, maybe a spoon ful of sugar, a dab of creamer, and a bit of cinnamon, and blend it up and make sort of a poor man's latte. I'll drink the cup about half way down, and then just put plain coffee in. And then, when it gets about half full, refill, and put a little cream and sugar in, and repeat, until the coffee is gone.

At the end of the day though, I'm sure the cost of my coffee is a lot less than if I went out to Starbucks or some place like that.
Never been a coffee drinker. Kids never got the habit either. We used to buy a a jar of instant coffee "just in case" for guest, but given folks various preferences for coffee we stopped and just warn guests to BYOC.

We are big tea drinkers, I estimate we spend about $80/year on teabags and maybe another $70/year on creamer/sweeteners. The bulk of the latter is erythritol, for my taste it tastes very much like sugar and does not leave an aftertaste.
Yesterday, I made a smaller pot than normal, because he's out of town, and I was going on a day trip, so I wouldn't have a long morning to sit around drinking it. Still, I wasn't able to finish it. But, I just let it sit, and when I got home that evening, I just mixed it with some chocolate milk, and drank it.

Perhaps that's not everybody's cup of tea, but I like it :p

Ha! I routinely drink coffee that is several hours old. Sometimes I even drink it the next morning. I thought that's what microwaves were for.:)

And if I did figure it up, I would be forced into looking into how much I spend on golf and other expenses and I don't want to do that. :mad:

I'm retired and can spend what I want on whatever tickles my fancy. ;)

I like bowling cause in bowling the ball returns back to the player. In golf one has to give chase to the ball.
I do not calcluate my coffee cost and won't be doing so.

I do avoid the K-cups and even Nespresso since, IMO, they are premium prices for a very mediocre cup of coffee. That must save me a bundle.

My only splurge was my Jura coffee maker which I fill with beans I buy from Costco or the occasional sale of Lavazza when I can find one. My local Costco had some Lavazza espresso beans a few months back at a good price. Now, they are long gone.:(

But, I find this discussion interesting, so perhaps I will have another cup later today and browse the responses.


What? No Smilies for having a cup of coffee while observing what goes on at this site? OUTRAGEOUS! ;)

DS buys himself those K-cups. About three months ago my coffee pot malfunctioned. Coincidently, I was working from home that day. I felt like I spent the whole day feeding that thing water and making little cups of coffee. Went through about 12 K cups in a day. A new coffee maker showed up on the kitchen counter w/2 two days . . .
I buy non-Nespresso pods for my Nespresso machine at 25 cents a piece (store brand, fair trade). I drink 1-2 coffees per day (say 10 on average per week). So that's about $130 per year. I drink my espresso black. I go to Starbucks maybe twice a year (quite spendy where I live, so add another 15 bucks).
Fast forward a couple of decades, in Paris, we had an extended stay in a private apartment just a block away from the Eiffel Tower. The apartment had a private balcony view of the Eiffel. It was equipped with a french press (which I had never used prior to that, always using standard or cone filter coffee makers in the US). With a boulangerie less than a hundred yards away, the finest continental breakfasts of cafe-au-lait, fresh French bread, brie, butter and marmalade were had in that apartment.

I stayed in a Airbnb in Edinburgh equipped only with a French press- and no microwave! It was a PITA to have to boil water first, and when the coffee remaining in the flask got lukewarm there was no way to warm it up other than reheating on the stove. That was one stripped-down Airbnb. They had everything they listed but almost nothing else.
I am a coffee drinker, but not an aficionado. I hate the flavor of Starbuck's. I have a Mr Coffee machine in the cabinet but think it is a waste of coffee when I may drink only 1-2 cups in the morning. I tried using a French press for a while and found it too much clean-up afterwards, not to mention I got grounds in my cup. Maybe I was doing it wrong. Then went to my version of camp coffee. I heated up water in the microwave in my cup which helped in warming the cup at the same time. Then poured the water into a measuring cup with ground coffee. Then after letting it sit for a bit, poured the coffee and grounds thru a drip coffee filter. Still too much work for a cup of coffee. I recently purchased a Keurig and am trying out various brands (on the cheap) to find out what I like best. So far the Starbucks is still bad. I tried out a morning blend and a Kona blend from Victor Allen. Not too bad and better than what I was making before.

I don't track my costs but would imagine between coffee and heavy cream probably in the 100/ year up till now. Arguably it will go up a bit with the k-cups.

With all this talk, I just had to make a cup of late afternoon coffee!
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Under 5 hundred bucks.
trying out various brands (on the cheap)

Trader Joes is a good place to shop, if you have one near you.
We figure about $300. Starbucks k-cups once in a while or a stop at a coffee shop when traveling, otherwise we brew a half pot of Foldgers 1850 every morning at home.
Zero. Not a coffee drinker. Zero for water too - or at least nominal cost at whatever the unfiltered tap water rate is. I do drink tea but like it weak so one bag makes 2 Litres at for the day. Bags are very inexpensive at Costco - I'm thinking $10 for 200?
How much on coffee? Can't be much. I buy the Kirkland premium Colombian, it is excellent and cheap. I drink it black. Maybe 20 oz a day. I do not drink sugar or cream in it.

When I get coffee out, it is usually McDonalds, which is fantastic. And not something ok find myself doing often, mainly during travel.

Not a Starbucks fan. We have a couple dozen gift cards people have given us (mainly.work related). We usually use them for food on airports.

Total coffee spending can't be more than $200.

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