Help with converting a Word file to JPG


Recycles dryer sheets
Feb 12, 2007
I probably should go to a tech site, but don't know any that speaka-da-English.:confused:

Running XP-home and in MS Word, I'm trying to create a small file in JPG format. This, so that I can upload a simple book cover into my Kindle book, Tails from the Burrow.

The file has a WordArt top, in GIF -- there is a simple graphic in JPG -- the bottom is a phrase (my name) in text -- the whole thing surrounded by a border. Kindle specifies that the JPG file be 500-1200 pixils on the longest side.:whistle:

All I wanna do is convert all this into a single JPG file. Can I do this in Word alone? If I can't, what can I get to do this as simply as possible.

I really don't want to buy, load and learn to use a graphics package, unless I just have to. My skill set is the written word & web/data-based research. Besides, I also want to garden, fix up the house, travel, tour on my maxi-scooter, read on my Kindle and chase DW around the house until she catches me ... and then trips me and beats me to the floor.:ROFLMAO:
Can you print or save it as a pdf? If so, and if you have a full version of adobe, you shoudl be able to open that pdf and then save it as an image.

Another choice would be to do a screen capture...
Another choice would be to do a screen capture...

IOW, hack... :whistle:

You'll have to shrink the word doc so that the entire page is visible on the screen. Then, hit <shift-prnt scrn>, open your graphics program, then paste (or <ctrl-v>). You'll then have to crop the extra stuff out...


  • Untitled.jpg
    28.2 KB · Views: 3
You could also print the word document and then scan it.
Select All.

Copy (press "Control-C")

Open "Paint" . (On my computer, it is in the Accessories folder)

Paste into Paint (press ("Control-V")

Save as a jpeg.
Thanks, all, for the helpful tips and leads.

In the intervening days, I found a old program from DW called PictureIt -- it has LOTS of royalty-free, public domain clip art -- I copied out the art I wanted -- switched from 'document' to 'picture' -- re-saved it in 'My Pictures' as JPEG -- then switched to Paint -- where I added some simple text and re-saved it, still as JPEG.

Clumsy, I know, and I'd much rather like to add my text over the graphic as an overlay, rather than an interfering text box -- but it works OK, so far.

One nice thing about the Kindle is that, after you've published your manuscript and graphic -- assuming you use the same title -- you can re-enter your offering and update stuff (your graphics, the text, the price, etc. ... just so long as you use the same title to the text file, if it's updated or re-edited.

For instance, I re-entered Tails from the Burrow and added my simple graphic, of a cat peeking out of a paper bag (like they all do, at one time or another), with my title and author name on the side of the bag. The change takes about 72-hours to appear.

If ya got a manuscript, this is the wave of the future.
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