Herd Immunity in the US out of Reach

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Perhaps she won't need to be vaccinated ever again.
Perhaps the doctor was thinking that the sick kids could be quarantined together in a government-run installation, in order to keep their families safe? :)

Yeah, really, the ignoring adult family members part, not to mention teachers/staff, blew me away.
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Since the lockdowns last year, we had one home at the end of our cul-de-sac that held massive parities and disregarded all the rules. Two weeks ago they held another massive party. The lady in the house indicated to my wife a few weeks ago that she was never going to get vaccinated and didn't see any reason to do so. Tonight we saw a swarm of paramedics and the fire department vehicles heading to the end of the street. After about 20 minutes , they carried the husband and wife out on stretchers with oxygen masks on. One neighbor who lives next to those people and who appears to the neighborhood broadcast news system said that both had trouble breathing but the woman was in pretty bad shape as her blood oxygen level dropped to 55%. What are chances that COVID finally caught up with them?

Evolution like was stated beforehand.
Fairly easy to predict which friends of ours will get vaccinated and which ones won't.
Or those "parties" may have been wilder than you knew, and they both OD'd?

How the heck would a neighbor know what her BO2 was? Snooping around the paramedics? I despise people like that.

One neighbor who lives next to those people and who appears to the neighborhood broadcast news system said that both had trouble breathing but the woman was in pretty bad shape as her blood oxygen level dropped to 55%. What are chances that COVID finally caught up with them?
Without long term safety data, I will not risk putting any novel experimental compound into my body. I work from home and have supplies delivered.
Without long term safety data, I will not risk putting any novel experimental compound into my body. I work from home and have supplies delivered.

So you are convinced you can avoid having any novel virus invade your body for as long as it takes.
Without long term safety data, I will not risk putting any novel experimental compound into my body. I work from home and have supplies delivered.

What do you do about going to the doctor, dentist, etc?
Without long term safety data, I will not risk putting any novel experimental compound into my body. I work from home and have supplies delivered.

You may be making a very good decision, no one knows for sure at this point. Only time will tell about the long term impacts of new drugs.
What do you do about going to the doctor, dentist, etc?

Holding off for now. My dentist usually has one person in the office at a time, so when the time comes, I will arrange for an early morning appointment. I've seen maybe two doctors over the past 20 years so hopefully there won't be an urgent need in the near future. My wife and I have not been around anyone in the past year and have not ventured out into any enclosed spaces due to her two serious auto-immune diseases, quite probably caused by a vaccine booster she received a decade ago. She had an immediate cytokine reaction and has suffered ever since. Her body attacks itself on a daily basis, so we can't take the risks of either getting COVID or a trying a novel vaccine. We don't want to end up in a VAERS database without understanding the long term data and risks.
Everyone should be forced into connected pods run by computers that will eradiate the virus for us while being able to safely live their life on the internet for until it is determined safe to return to interactions between human lifeforms. We could then use the energy from the bodies in the pods to reduce carbon emmissions and power the computer systems, creating a perfect utopia. We can easily get everyone to enter their boxes through incentives and with assurance can leave the pods when the virus is no longer an issue per scientific computer reason life will be marvelous. What could possibly go wrong?
So you are convinced you can avoid having any novel virus invade your body for as long as it takes.

My immune system is very robust and I don't have any of the risk factors related to severe COVID conditions. My wife is more at risk, but has a history of serious vaccine adverse reactions. Tough call on either front, but we think it is prudent to wait and continue researching and weighing the risks either way.
Children from unvaccinated homes are unlikely ever to get vaccinated, unfortunately. Unless they are smarter than those who raised them.

Now I am not saying anything here, but my parents believed the earth was about 6000 years old and dinosaur bones were planted by the devil.
Currently, the only known long term vaccine side effect is the tendency to repeat yourself. But, I nor my wife have had any issues.......Currently, the only known long term vaccine side effect is the tendency to repeat yourself..........:D
My immune system is very robust and I don't have any of the risk factors related to severe COVID conditions. My wife is more at risk, but has a history of serious vaccine adverse reactions. Tough call on either front, but we think it is prudent to wait and continue researching and weighing the risks either way.

My wife and I are in the same lane. We are not getting the vaccine at this time. We know the risks on each side.

For those that are discussing variants and mutations. Do you think we will wall ourselves off from the rest of the world? Not every country will be vaccinated and if that means higher risk for mutation, it also means higher risk for mutation spread. The USA can get 100% vaccinated but still get a strain from another country that the vaccine wont be able to deal with.
My immune system is very robust and I don't have any of the risk factors related to severe COVID conditions. My wife is more at risk, but has a history of serious vaccine adverse reactions. Tough call on either front, but we think it is prudent to wait and continue researching and weighing the risks either way.

Our Mod Alan's son I think was pretty healthy and still it was touch and go for him when he got COVID. I would tend to say get the vaccine if your doctor says it is ok.
I wonder if people who do not like vaccine because it's too new will refuse new medicine if they come down with any disease, not just Covid.
Our Mod Alan's son I think was pretty healthy and still it was touch and go for him when he got COVID. I would tend to say get the vaccine if your doctor says it is ok.

For people who need to be out and about and exposed to the general population, I don't disagree. For now, our risks of coming across an infected person are extremely low since we are staying home and accepting no guests.
Currently, the only known long term vaccine side effect is the tendency to repeat yourself. But, I nor my wife have had any issues.......Currently, the only known long term vaccine side effect is the tendency to repeat yourself..........:D

Depends on how you define long term. I personally don't think we have gotten anywhere *close* to knowing what long term effects of the virus or vaccines could be.
I wonder if people who do not like vaccine because it's too new will refuse new medicine if they come down with any disease, not just Covid.

Most pharmaceuticals are developed and studied up to 10 years prior to FDA final authorization.
I wonder if people who do not like vaccine because it's too new will refuse new medicine if they come down with any disease, not just Covid.

Bingo and after a couple hundred millin people have gotten it and not dropped dead I think we can quit calling it new and "experimental"

Like every medical improvement didn't have to start somewhere with someone.
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Most pharmaceuticals are developed and studied up to 10 years prior to FDA final authorization.

Where did you pull that number from, your hat? This is the same government that can take 2 years to audit your tax return. If you've ever been in the Army you know nothing moves slower then the government:facepalm:
Did you mean a couple hundred million people?

Fixed it

I'm typing too fast because some of the comments here are blowing my mind.:flowers:
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I wonder if people who do not like vaccine because it's too new will refuse new medicine if they come down with any disease, not just Covid.

Of course, some will, some won’t. I suspect the premise that they already have the disease will cause a lean toward willingness to try new drugs if the disease has serious effects. As an “older” person, I find I’m more willing to take a new drug than if I were young. Don’t have as many years to be concerned with longer term effects so more interested in short to medium term effects.
For people who need to be out and about and exposed to the general population, I don't disagree. For now, our risks of coming across an infected person are extremely low since we are staying home and accepting no guests.

That's a fun way to live. Ever watch the Walking Dead, somehow they always get taken out by a zombie, no matter how careful they are.
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