Homebody or Always on the Go?

On average, I leave my home:

  • Once a week or less

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • 2-3 times a week

    Votes: 17 14.3%
  • 4 times a week

    Votes: 19 16.0%
  • 5-6 times a week

    Votes: 37 31.1%
  • Once a day or more

    Votes: 39 32.8%

  • Total voters


Moderator Emeritus
May 16, 2007
I was curious...

For those of you who are retired, how often do you actually leave your home to go somewhere? Some people -like DW- seem to enjoy staying home for days at a time, and others -like me- seem to experience "cabin fever" rather quickly. So where do you stand?
I usually go to the bagel shop on the bike then later to the dog park each day. That breaks up the day nicely for me. I think I'd get some cabin fever staying home days at a time.
I love to stay home. DW is very restless. Could be an adjustment when she retires next year.
Not retired, so I did not vote as I get out and still.... well, you know...

But, I am a homebody.... I can stay inside a whole weekend if I am not forced to get out...

So, if you are only asking about getting out and doing something instead of going to the store etc. for necessary things... I would probably vote 3 or 4 times...
So, if you are only asking about getting out and doing something instead of going to the store etc. for necessary things... I would probably vote 3 or 4 times...

Except for going to work, the poll asks how often do you leave your home to go somewhere whether it'd be the store, gym, church, bank, whatever.

But I am also interested to see if, given a choice, people would rather stay home for days at a time or run around.
I was curious...

For those of you who are retired, how often do you actually leave your home to go somewhere? Some people -like DW- seem to enjoy staying home for days at a time, and others -like me- seem to experience "cabin fever" rather quickly. So where do you stand?
I am out several times every day. Today-again to the beach!

It's why I live in the city. I really can't remember a time when I stayed around home much.

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Not retired, didn't vote. I am probably more of a homebody. I don't consciously do it, but I notice sometimes I park the car in the driveway Friday afternoon after driving home from work and then get back in it Monday morning to go back to work. And realize I haven't left the house at all the whole weekend.

Too much fun stuff to do inside the house I guess.

However during the week is different. Even those days when I work at home, I have many errands to run. With kids in school and going to daycare, it is a minor miracle to get them where they need to go each day, then retrieve them on schedule. Most of that is accomplished on foot, but it still takes time and gets me out of the house, which I enjoy. And leads to many serendipitous encounters around the neighborhood. But once the kids are gone and we are ER'd I could see us being more homebodied than we are now since we won't have the mandatory kid related errands.
I'm not retired, but I can do both. I can stay home for so many days that I start feeling like I have agoraphobia. Then at other times, I'm really restless and keep wanting to leave and go somewhere, anywhere.
I'm more of a homebody and am comfortable staying home. But I do like to walk around the neighborhood or just walk around the yard.
Really need to "get out" once a day. DW probably feels same way, maybe less so.
At least once a day, usually twice a day.
I didn't vote but when I was unemployed for a year I often went a full week without leaving the house if I didn't have any interviews. I've never been the type to go somewhere just for the sake of getting out of the house. I prefer to stay home most of the time. If I didn't need to leave to earn money I could see myself never leaving home...ever. I could get food delivered and have cable and internet(and maybe a kindle) for entertainment. I can exercise just using my body weight. I feel no need to have face to face interaction with other people on anything close to a regular basis. I am always the last person to get bored so that'll never be a problem for me.
I didn't vote because I'm not 100% retired, but I go somewhere every day that I'm not working- usually drive for building supplies or breakfast in addition to a bike ride or walk.
We share lunch at a restaurant every day. So, I seldom spend an entire day at home without leaving at least once.

During the 3-4 months after my retirement but before his, I made a point of leaving the house every day anyway so that I wouldn't get too strange... :D I would love just staying around the house but it probably isn't good for me. Who knows; I might forget how to talk or something. ;)
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I consider myself a homebody, but I usually leave the house once or twice a day. My SO and I go out for a late lunch/early dinner pretty much every day (often to Panera, which is less than a mile from home). Most days I go for a run (and/or ocassionally a walk around the neighborhood). I don't like to travel, and rarely go too far from home, so still think this counts as "homebody-ness". :D
The older I get the more comfortable I am at staying home. I still get out once or more a day, but sometimes the car doesn't leave the garage though.
Though I normally make a coffee run each day (except on weekends), I prefer to stay home! I love the solitude of the old homestead, and have very little desire to socialize anymore. Even my coffee runs are becoming fewer and farther between, and many times I just grab a cup to go and come back home. I don't get cabin fever or go stir crazy. I can sit for hours and do absolutely nothing but watch clouds drift past. Granted, there are some days that I venture out several times....coffee, groceries, dinner, etc......but I always look forward to getting back home!
I'm very comfortable not leaving the house for a day or two but then I feel the need to go 1.5 miles down the road for a drive-thru coffee. Hubby, OTOH, feels the need to go somewhere on his days off. Actually works quite well for us.
I said I left the house six day a week, but I probably lied. We try to get out every day, maybe for breakfast or maybe for lunch. There are so many days when you might be stuck in the house so I don't stay home just to stay home. Most days when we go out it's to the grocery store just to pick up a few things, have a coffee and donut or maybe a sandwich. Really, a pretty dull life but it's life. Enjoy it.
DW is retired, not me, but, when I can come home at 5pm and she's still in her bathrobe, on the couch watching the last of the soaps and eating bon bons then greets me with, "Is it 5 o'clock already?!" I think she might be a homebody.
Not retired yet but DW & I will probably venture out once or twice a week by ourselves, and a couple times together, when we finally pull the trigger.

Ms G had to go out of town unexpectedly, just the day before our twice a month grocery trip. She was gone for 2 weeks I never left the homestead, except to walk our dogs around our section. Can't say I missed a thing, except I was running out of adult beverages and snacks.

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