How to help my DH who is retiring in 3 days

Leaving a job doesn't mean leaving friendships behind. He'll have to make the effort to reach out because those who are still working have less time & energy. Initially, they'll also feel that they need to let him have his freedom. In time he'll know which of his friendships will stand the test of time & separation.

I left my last corporate job almost 10 years ago, but still keep in touch with 4 of my colleagues there are friends. We have never lived in the same part of the country, so we continue with our phone calls & the occasional meeting when we happen to be in the same place.

I have a lot of friends from a job I left some 22 years ago. DW is one of them. We started dating a few years after I left that job.

And... he'll make new friends too.

Good luck to both of you.
So go out and make some plans to travel, start up new friendships, and enjoy the new chapter in your lives.
I agree about new friendships. I met a man who has become like a brother to me. He is my copilot, and is working with me on restoring an diesel switch engine.
We have flown over 200 hours together on Angel Flights, and I love having someone with whom I can share the workload.:)
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