How to open a banana?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 10, 2007
I just found this out, and was amazed how stupid we humans are. Did you know that the primate world opens bananas from the bottom of the banana and not at the stem? Try it. You'll find it's 1,000 times easier. And I'll guess that the vast majority of us still open bananas from the stem, so I guess this means monkeys are smarter than us humans?:rolleyes:
My daughter mentioned this to me. So I tried it (I eat a banana every morning) - pinch the bottom a bit, and it splits right open and peels back easily.

But as W2R suspects, it *does* just feel wrong ;) And, the bottom is usually a little tough and/or black/brown, so I took a knife to cut that bit off. I guess I went back to my old ways the next day. Force of habit. But it does work.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised, don't monkeys do a better job of stock selection than the average Mutual Fund manager?

....just based on this thread title, I would expect the usual [-]innuendo[/-] interesting reply from bbam fairly soon.:whistle:
Anyone ever try this way? It's pretty quick:

Hold the stem (at a point close to the top of the banana) with your thumb and index finger
Position the banana so it's above your hand and curves towards you
Flick your wrist and the banana peel will split right open
bank5, I'm trying that technique later....who knew?

The flick of the wrist takes a little bit of practice so it might take a couple of tries before you get it. Once you get it though it's like riding a bike. I also open them from the bottom up occasionally...come to think of it I can't remember the last time I opened a banana the "normal" way.

Now, if only I knew how to peel an orange :)
I just found this out, and was amazed how stupid we humans are. Did you know that the primate world opens bananas from the bottom of the banana and not at the stem? Try it. You'll find it's 1,000 times easier. And I'll guess that the vast majority of us still open bananas from the stem, so I guess this means monkeys are smarter than us humans?:rolleyes:

The monkey way is how people in China open bananas as well but after I immigrated to the U.S., I wanted to be more American and so I 'acted stupidly' as well. Just another reminder not to follow blindly. I'm glad I never assimilated into the buy/spend before you earn/junk food nation way of life. It's really true that both the East and West has its own good and bad.
Monkey #3 reminds me of my uncle :blush:
.....and my fave...
I had a banana with breakfast this morning. I picked it up, looked at it, thought about opening it from the wrong end, and just couldn't bring myself to do it! Guess I am a creature of habit. :blush:
I had a banana with breakfast this morning. I picked it up, looked at it, thought about opening it from the wrong end, and just couldn't bring myself to do it! Guess I am a creature of habit. :blush:

Monkey see, W2R don't do?
Once I honest to God slipped on a banana peel in the middle of the street and fell down on my rear end (oh to have a photo of that let alone a video!), but I don't know which end it had been peeled from.
I tried it from the bottom a few times. I'm not really finding it any easier to get started, maybe I didn't pinch it right. And then I had that little piece at the bottom that ERD50 mentioned, and since I didn't want to eat it I had to deal with it right away. When I start from the top, I don't get to it until I've finished, and sometimes it even stays right in the peel. So I'm sticking with doing it from the top. I just put a little slice near the top sideways with my thumbnail, and I never have a problem opening a banana. And I almost always have one every morning and every evening.
Since childhood I have had my own way of eating an apple. Many people have said I'm weird for doing this.

I start by biting near the core at the distal end. Then I take circumferential bites all around the core. Then I bite a channel down to the proximal (stem) end, around which I bite. I am now left with the juiciest bit of the apple to enjoy in segments.

I know I know, this thread is useless without pictures!

If you want to eat an apple in a situation where it would be inconvenient to have to throw away the core, you can just eat the whole thing.
I'm glad I've always been able to throw away the banana peel. :blink:
If you want to eat an apple in a situation where it would be inconvenient to have to throw away the core, you can just eat the whole thing.

Oh, but then the apple seed will grow in your tummy and leaves and branches will be coming out of your mouth and ears and....

Oops! I remember now. That doesn't *really* happen. That is just something my big brother told me once when I was little. :D
Yeah, and you can get pregnant from sitting on a public toilet seat...


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