I have COVID-19

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I hope you get better soon, and that you can get a test. It might ease your mind; you’ll know for certain and can face it if it is, and can feel some degree of relief if it isn’t.

If you did get it and you have been so careful, then I know I have no chance of avoiding it. I only go to the store every other week, and the pharmacy once a month, but I do walk outside nearly every day. And I don’t have a mask. I ordered masks and bandanas more than two weeks ago from Amazon and they still haven’t arrived. I could have walked to the seller and picked them up by now...
Canine lover, I appreciate your sharing with us the details of how you think you might have contracted the virus. We are all very concerned! My thoughts about going to a grocery store is that not everyone inside TJ were wearing a mask, right? In my town, all the grocery stores except one do not require anyone to wear a mask. I have been wondering whether I should restrict my trips to just that one supermarket. After reading your thread, I have decided to avoid any grocery store that makes facial coverings optional. So thank you for your post.
caninelover, hope you recover soon and that your SO remains healthy.

I had a teleconference with my doctor this past week (just a normal checkup). In the discussion, he mentioned that his office (so far) has had no covid19 + patients (but that there was one person who had gone to the hospital instead of to the office). He also interestingly mentioned that their group had the ability of doing tests and that if I found myself with any symptoms to let him know and they would get me tested. I'm just mentioning this because he made it sound like it would be "no problem" to have a test done. (I have no symptoms and have been avoiding all stores since March 13.)

FWIW this is in upstate NY.
Thanks again for all the well wishes. I do think eventually many will be exposed but it is more about slowing it down so there is infrastructure, treatments, etc. Right now, as it novel virus, it spreads to nearly all near it. When there is more herd immunity + vaccine, it would be more manageable.

But yes, minimize all outings, even for groceries. It is the best we can do for now.

As far as testing I understand that in our county (Ventura) it is up to nurse at that station. If they judge they are running low, they will save what they have for vulnerable populations and first responders. But at the moment the cases in our county have been relatively low, so I am hopeful they are well stocked. So I may give it a go. It is drive thru and not far so worst case I will turn around without ever leaving the car.

As far as symptoms go, for me so far pretty mild. I've had colds that were way worse, and the flu in January was a butt-kicker. Frankly that is another thing that makes this so dangerous. If I didn't know otherwise and just woke up with these symptoms, I would probably take some Tylenol, stay home for a day or two at most, and head into the office. Another reason this spreads so fast.

I think the criteria for Phase 3 Opening Up America was no new infections for 2 weeks or something like that? Oy, right now it feels like we'll never get there without a vaccine.
Get well soon caninelover! I had similar symptoms for a couple of weeks. Chills, fever, night sweats, fatigue, light headedness, stomach ache on and off. No sore throat, cough or trouble breathing. very weird. Nights were the worst.

Not sure if I had covid19 or the flu. I didn't get checked. Wasn't bad enough to go to the dr. It would be semi bad for a day or two, then a couple of good days, then a couple of bad. That was the depressing part - I thought I was recovering and then have a relapse.

Don't expect to recover overnight. It'll take a week or two to get all of the aches and pains out of your system.
This is pretty much my symptoms. I hope they stay mild and go away in a couple of weeks. Thanks Ron.

Flu was more intense symptom-wise for me.
Hoping it's not COVID and you get better soon - hang in there !
... if you feel miserable with a high fever and can’t function, I’m not so sure letting it run is a good idea.
My plan is to not treat myself for fever....only if a doctor tells me I "have to" (which probably will only be if I'm at 104F).

Yes I am sure I went nowhere else except TJs and the timing fits if I went Saturday and showed symptoms Friday so that is where I think I got it. Yes we wear masks as did most in the store, including employees. They also limit to 15 in the store at once so it was not crowded with everyone else waiting outside in marked 6ft distances. And I wash hands when I get home. I think it shows how contagious this thing is.

No either curbside pickups or GrubHub contactless delivery. We left the bags outside and only brought in the food, then washed hands.

It is possible SO got it but he works from home normally, even before this and hasn't been outside except for the takeout food, which was a pickup. Though it's possible he got it mid March before stay at home orders and gave it to me while asymptomatic. But given we are in close proximity to each other, I doubt it. TJs makes more sense to me as the timing seems more logical. Note the masks are cloth and not N95s so don't definitively stop virus spread...also could have touched a surface that was contaminated and maybe unwittingly touched my face (I do find that habit hard to break but have been trying).

Thanks for these detailed reports. Please let us know if your test comes back as Covid...it sure sounds like it. Here's hoping you get through it without horrific consequences. :flowers:
My plan is to not treat myself for fever....only if a doctor tells me I "have to" (which probably will only be if I'm at 104F).

Thanks for these detailed reports. Please let us know if your test comes back as Covid...it sure sounds like it. Here's hoping you get through it without horrific consequences. :flowers:

According to the article I linked, you really don’t want to have temps above 102.
caninelover, I am not a doctor but I want to suggest that you could possibly have another disease. You say you woke up with a backache, then developed fever, chills, etc. I have not heard that backache is a symptom of covid-19 but it can be a symptom of shingles. A few years ago I had a backache, fever, chills, etc and several days later finally broke out in a rash halfway around my middle and was diagnosed with shingles. If you have ever had chicken pox you can get shingles and shingles can be triggered by stress (which we are all having). Look around your waist and on your back for a rash. If you see a rash immediately call your doctor because there is an antiviral for shingles that has to be taken within 48 hours of the rash.

Ran through my symptoms and it is suspected COVID-19. We know it is not flu as I had a flu shot, but then had the actual flu in January (tested positive via nasal swab for flu, and responded well on Tamiflu).

I'm confused. Regardless of the recent symptoms, you know it's the not the flu as you had the flu shot, but then again, you also had the flu in January. Without performing the test to confirm or deny this is COVID-19 all you can do is suspect it's COVID-19.

Our neighbor across the street had some flu type symptoms and was very concerned due to her age - over 70. She had a consultation over the phone and the doctor agreed to perform the COVID-19 test. Her results were negative. She recovered from whatever she had in just a few days. Here's hoping the same will be true for you.

Like harllee mentioned you may have some other problems. Is it possible to make a doctor appointment or otherwise get checked by a professional?
caninelover, I am not a doctor but I want to suggest that you could possibly have another disease. You say you woke up with a backache, then developed fever, chills, etc. I have not heard that backache is a symptom of covid-19 but it can be a symptom of shingles. A few years ago I had a backache, fever, chills, etc and several days later finally broke out in a rash halfway around my middle and was diagnosed with shingles. If you have ever had chicken pox you can get shingles and shingles can be triggered by stress (which we are all having). Look around your waist and on your back for a rash. If you see a rash immediately call your doctor because there is an antiviral for shingles that has to be taken within 48 hours of the rash.

I've had shingles for a week (pretty much done... meds are gone and shingles rashes are scabbed over now) and had none of those backache, fever, chills symptoms... just felt like a sunburn... in my case on left shoulder, back of neck and behind left ear.
caninelover, I am not a doctor but I want to suggest that you could possibly have another disease. You say you woke up with a backache, then developed fever, chills, etc. I have not heard that backache is a symptom of covid-19 but it can be a symptom of shingles. A few years ago I had a backache, fever, chills, etc and several days later finally broke out in a rash halfway around my middle and was diagnosed with shingles. If you have ever had chicken pox you can get shingles and shingles can be triggered by stress (which we are all having). Look around your waist and on your back for a rash. If you see a rash immediately call your doctor because there is an antiviral for shingles that has to be taken within 48 hours of the rash.

Thanks Harlee, but I've never had chickenpox. I don't think its shingles, people do report abdominal pain with COVID but sometimes in people it presents as low back pain. I do have a mild cough that comes and goes (currently gone) and I don't think that is part of shingles either. This might be the only time in my life I would feel relief if I did get a rash - as then I'd know it wasn't COVID!
So I'm feeling well enough to sit up with my laptop (I saw on CNN at some point that sitting up is better for lungs than laying down).

I looked up my county's testing criteria and now I don't think they will test me. I may call before I head there. The locations also list weekend hours so maybe I will call one tomorrow and ask.

Here is the link: https://www.vcemergency.com/healthcare

There is a section for testing criteria which is what I'm referring to.
Thanks Harlee, but I've never had chickenpox.

This most likely is irrelevant for you, but that's a common misconception. I used to say the same thing, but I learned that lots of people have chickenpox as a child with no symptoms whatever. I found out I was one of them the hard way when I came down with shingles in my 50s. :facepalm:
This most likely is irrelevant for you, but that's a common misconception. I used to say the same thing, but I learned that lots of people have chickenpox as a child with no symptoms whatever. I found out I was one of them the hard way when I came down with shingles in my 50s. :facepalm:

Oh great. Something to look forward to. I just turned 48.:)
I've had shingles for a week (pretty much done... meds are gone and shingles rashes are scabbed over now) and had none of those backache, fever, chills symptoms... just felt like a sunburn... in my case on left shoulder, back of neck and behind left ear.

Be careful if shingles appears on your face......3 plus years later I'm still taking Prednisolone drops for where it infringed on my left cornea......it'll likely outlive me.
My megacorp has been allowing us to work from home since mid-March (we are in SoCal) and I only leave the house 1 day a week since then (Saturdays, to go to Trader Joes - which limits people in store and generally tries to maintain social distancing). We are in a subarban area with just me and my SO in a large townhouse with our own small yard, so no reason for us to leave except for grocery runs. SO also works from home.

Today I woke up with a backache and thought nothing of it - maybe I slept wrong or overdid it on the stationary bike we have in our house. Took two ibuprofen and went on with my workday from home.

Later in the afternoon the aches got worse and I started to feel very cold and chills. Got under the covers but thought it was nothing (I am at an age where hot flashes come and go, unfortunately). Chills and aches got worse though so I took my temperature and was running a fever of 99. Still not concerned at that point but took temperature again in 30 minutes and it spiked to 101. Called my doctor who called me back on video call. Ran through my symptoms and it is suspected COVID-19. We know it is not flu as I had a flu shot, but then had the actual flu in January (tested positive via nasal swab for flu, and responded well on Tamiflu).

They will monitor me through the weekend but they advised against a test as they are still trying to save them for people with underlying conditions or first responders. They did prescribe a z-pak as there is some evidence it can prevent pneumonia in cases of healthy people with coronavirus. Also it will clear out any other underlying infection if something else is causing the fever and aches.

I do feel ok other than the aches and fever which is holding steady at 101. Chills are already gone and I have no cough or shortness of breath (knock on wood it stays that way). I am quarantining in upstairs bedroom and SO is downstairs and bringing up food/water and leaving it by the door. I am scared to getting him sick.

I hope this passes soon. It is scary and I have stopped watching the news altogether. Please send me healing thoughts. I keep thinking most people do recover and perhaps I can donate my blood to help with antibody studies when I am well again.

I did not read the whole thread.

Are you in Los Angeles city/county area? LA City Mayor announced last week anyone with the symptom can get on LA city website to register and get a same-day or next day test schedule. It used to be prioritized, now it is available to anyone with the symptom.


If you are in other counties, there might be a different policy from yours.

Good luck to you.
I did not read the whole thread.

Are you in Los Angeles city/county area? LA City Mayor announced last week anyone with the symptom can get on LA city website to register and get a same-day or next day test schedule. It used to be prioritized, now it is available to anyone with the symptom.


If you are in other counties, there might be a different policy from yours.

Good luck to you.

Thanks fh, but I am not in LA County.
Take care of yourself, & I hope you recover fully very soon! I'd want to be tested if appropriate for your area. Some places (like here) are very short on tests, though. I expect your physician is most informed...
I've had shingles for a week (pretty much done... meds are gone and shingles rashes are scabbed over now) and had none of those backache, fever, chills symptoms... just felt like a sunburn... in my case on left shoulder, back of neck and behind left ear.

Man when it rains, it pours, glad it seemed to be a mild case. I'm afraid to ask if you had the new Shingles immunization...
CL glad you seem to have turned the corner and hope you continue to improve..
You have to be careful and not let it run too high, and at the same time it’s not clear that a high temp really helps with this virus as it seems to have come from bats which have a high body temp. I thought the article did a good job of explaining handling fever - if your fever is running high (but not dangerously so), but you don’t feel that bad, then maybe OK to let it run, but if you feel miserable with a high fever and can’t function, I’m not so sure letting it run is a good idea.

I posted a while back on another thread that I'm pretty sure I had COVID-19 also, back in early March. But no testing was being done at that time at all, so I just stayed home and toughed it out. With regard to fever - I had a pretty high fever almost from the onset, and I thought it would be best to just let the fever run its course, as I know that fever is the body's way of responding to the virus. After 2 1/2 or 3 days of almost no sleep and constant fever day and night, however, I decided to take ibuprofen to try to take the edge off of it. At the time, I had not read anything about avoiding ibuprofen if you have COVID-19. Anyway, taking ibuprofen every 5 hours or so did take the edge off of the fever somewhat, at least allowing me to get a little bit of sleep at times. As I mentioned in my post, I had many of the other COVID-19 symptoms (chills, body ache, extreme fatigue loss of sense of taste), but I only had a very slight cough. It took about 6-7 days before I started feeling a bit better, and after a couple more days, I felt okay.

Of course I have no proof that I had COVID-19, as no test was available, and there is no reliable antibody test available yet either, to my knowledge. But I believe that I did have it.

Caninelover, I don't know if your experience getting through this will be anything like mine or not, but chances are very good you will get through it and be back to normal in a week or so.
Thanks Rae, this is encouraging. I hope it does go away soon. My fever is not bad, hovering around 99 but with Tylenol. I couldn't take the associated achiness and the Tylenol does help.
I posted a while back on another thread that I'm pretty sure I had COVID-19 also, back in early March. But no testing was being done at that time at all, so I just stayed home and toughed it out. With regard to fever - I had a pretty high fever almost from the onset, and I thought it would be best to just let the fever run its course, as I know that fever is the body's way of responding to the virus. After 2 1/2 or 3 days of almost no sleep and constant fever day and night, however, I decided to take ibuprofen to try to take the edge off of it. At the time, I had not read anything about avoiding ibuprofen if you have COVID-19. Anyway, taking ibuprofen every 5 hours or so did take the edge off of the fever somewhat, at least allowing me to get a little bit of sleep at times. As I mentioned in my post, I had many of the other COVID-19 symptoms (chills, body ache, extreme fatigue loss of sense of taste), but I only had a very slight cough. It took about 6-7 days before I started feeling a bit better, and after a couple more days, I felt okay.

Of course I have no proof that I had COVID-19, as no test was available, and there is no reliable antibody test available yet either, to my knowledge. But I believe that I did have it.

Caninelover, I don't know if your experience getting through this will be anything like mine or not, but chances are very good you will get through it and be back to normal in a week or so.
This most likely is irrelevant for you, but that's a common misconception. I used to say the same thing, but I learned that lots of people have chickenpox as a child with no symptoms whatever. I found out I was one of them the hard way when I came down with shingles in my 50s. :facepalm:

Same thing happened to DF, and he swore up and down that he never had chicken pox, but he got a case of the shingles at 84!
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