I need a car...

Ai-yai-yai!!!! We have been frugal, we have been good, but we wanted to reward ourselves next year when we replace our vw.....with a used BMW convertible.....uh, oh..... :-[
If you didnt like the VW maintenance costs, you aint gonna like BMW's.

If you DO decide to get a convertible, I have a small piece of advice...

Under the rear seat theres a little red handle attached to a wire that runs into the sheet metal with a cheesy little sign attached to it that says "Do not pull".

There will be a strange and magical attraction to it. Dont pull it.
Disengages the convertible top motor from the top, so it can be put up and down manually in the event the motor breaks.

Nowhere in my manual did it say what it was or why you would use it.

So I pulled it.

The dealer said it would cost $500 to 'resync the motor with the top'. To which I responded with one of cut-throats favorite two-word sayings.

Six months later I discovered a thing on the 'net that said you push the motor coupling back in, and do something funny with the key like turn it off and on 3 times, waiting 2 seconds per on/off while holding the 'top up' button and that resyncs it.


Fortunately I never drove it with the top up, and the guy I sold it to wanted to put a new top on it anyhow...so it became HIS problem :)
I was coming home from Texas in my big macho 1997 Dodge Ram pickup when I experienced some problems.
I limped home and called the local Dodge dealer. He looked it over and quoted me $1500+. I said
"No thanks". Took it to my "shade tree" mechanic
who fixed EVERYTHING for $150.00. Man, I love that

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