I Voted

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We voted early in-person in NC today. Arrived 10 minutes before they opened at 8am, there were already 175 people in line ahead of us. Took 2 hours to get to vote, 7 minutes to actually vote. The line was just as long when we left at 10am - so arriving early/late wouldn't have made any difference. The operation was well run though, thanks to all the volunteers. Could've been a lot worse.

Just make sure you vote however you choose to do so!

I voted early in-person in NC today also. I arrived at the polling place at 4:20 pm and at 5:20 pm I was pulling out of the parking lot, headed home. Several poll workers told me I timed it just right, because earlier in the day there was a 2-hour wait to vote.

I spent 45 minutes waiting in line outside - everyone was masked and observing social distancing. I only spent 15 minutes inside. The poll workers called each person inside as a station became available. They were sanitizing stations after each voter, and they provided a brand new pen for every person to use and then take home. They had plenty of hand sanitizer available, and they did not hand out stickers this year. I felt very safe with all the precautions they took, and I'm glad I can check it off my list now.
Today was the last day to pay 2019 taxes so I did that. I know... (but I paid more than a certain amount in the news!).

I drove past the local early polling place and it looked calm. I’ll take care of that next week.
So we early voted yesterday in Texas. Our county has a map that shows the purported wait at each location. The fast one has a fairly broad range of 0 to 29 minutes. The two sites closest to us were slower than that. There were 2 more not too car away. One of them was on a community college campus and I was worried that it might have more young people who aren't wearing masks. The other was at library and DH wanted to try that. We got there and it had quite a long line and I felt people weren't really distancing enough. Some, but not enough.

So, then we went to another one a little farther away (people had said the day before they were fairly fast so I had preferred this one anyway). It had a little shorter line than the other place so we stopped there. It took exactly 30 minutes from the time we stopped our car until we started it again (I have an app that tells me this).

About 15 to 20 minutes was waiting outside. Everyone but one person had masks on (he had a mask push down below his chin -- he was a young man). And most people were distancing, maybe not 6 feet but at least 4. We stayed back a little farther and the person behind us stayed fairly far back.

When we went in the building (It was a rec center) I was happy to see that they had the big entry doors open so that helped ventilation. The line inside moved rapidly and they had 6 foot markers on the floor and most people abided by that. Everyone had on masks. I saw 2 people leaving you had their mask below their nose.

In the voting room, it was in the large gym so there was a lot of space. We had ordered mail in ballot so we had a couple of extra minutes because we had to cancel the ballots. I was a little shocked that they had 2 workers siting right by each other. They did have masks on. They were similar ages so maybe they were a married couple. The voting booths were fairly well spaced but not 6 feet apart on the sides although each aisle was really wide between sides. The only person near me when I was voting was DH.

For this voting you had to push a button to mark the ballot and there were over 30 races so I touched that machine a lot. I wished I had thought to wear gloves. But I didn't. When we got in the car, I did immediately use hand sanitizer.

I think it was pretty safe. The only specific people I was close to for more than 3 minutes were the person in front of me in line and the person behind me. Most wore masks the entire time and were usually 6 feet away or close to it (maybe 5 ft at times outside).

This is by far the most people I have been around since March 16.
My vote by mail ballot has not arrived. :(

Any way to check your ballot online? Here in NC you can set up an online account to track your ballot, see when it was mailed etc. Do you have the option to do in person early voting?
My DW and I went did our early vote yesterday. We left home at 10:30 and got to courthouse at 10:45,got wanded in and saw short line until we got closer then saw that short line wrapped into a hallway so it was twice as long. We looked at each other and a guy standing there close to door said it isn't as bad as it looks I've only been here about 25 min. We got in line and he was right, we made our way up to the door got our ballots ,voted and were heading back to car in about 30 min. total. Altho as we were leaving I did notice the line was a lot longer then. I'm just glad to have it out of the way because it will be a lot longer wait the closer to Nov.3 it gets.
As always, the young wife and I will vote in person on election day. We go at 6:00 am when the polls open and we have never waited long.
Vote by Mail has been done here for years.
Ballots received yesterday, dropped off in ballot box outside local Police station today. Easy Peasy.
Dropped off my absentee ballot, DW's and DD's. In-person at the local library. No line, no fuss, instant service. Poll worker removed the outer mail-in envelope, confirmed the voter info on the ballot envelope inside and deposited the ballots. I had to show ID to deliver the ballots that were not mine.

We have confirmed the accepted status on mine and DW's. We are residents of Washington County, Minnesota. DW mailed in her father's since he resides in neighboring Chisago county.
We have never ever voted on election day.

Before there was absentee/early voting in NC (years ago) everyone had to vote on election day. It was a mad house. One time I had to stand in line for hours in the rain. I am so glad to be able to do absentee voting now.
We're used to voting by mail but are in a new county and with all the goings-on, decided to use the brand spanking new official drop-off box installed at our nearby fire station yesterday. Will check later today to see if the ballots have been received. In our "swing" state, ballots are pretty much tabulated when they are received. In our previous county, in another election, DH forgot to sign his ballot and was contacted by phone to come into the election to correct the mistake which he did.
I voted today, poll opened at 8:00 AM and I got in line at 7:15 AM and was done by 8:30 AM.
We voted early today in NH, absentee ballot. Dropped off ballots at ballot box in town clerk office. First time I haven't voted on election day.
I figure I want to avoid any circus that will occur on election day.
Kansas mail ballot arrived yesterday. Put in drop box this morning.

Heh heh heh - :cool:
Voted in-person today in NC (Chapel Hill)-took about 50 minutes. Everyone was masked, appropriately distanced and I got to keep the pen used for marking my ballot!
Hmmm, here’s the site United States Election Project, seems to have lots of good data. I copied the graphic from the noted page and it acts like a live link for me.

United States Elections Project

And the page that brings up the graph.

national-1789-present - United States Elections Project

I logged in on my desktop to see if it was an issue with my mobile and got the same image, a screenshot of which I am posting below. Your previous / original post was updated with the new link and now it works. Interesting graph, thanks for posting. :greetings10:


  • screenshot 10-16.JPG
    screenshot 10-16.JPG
    18.5 KB · Views: 24
I "sorta voted". Well, I filled out the mail-in ballot but did it after the mail carrier arrived for the day so it'll go out tomorrow. But at the moment it's still sitting on the dining room table.
On Sunday DH, Older son, and I discussed the ballot. DH and DH filled out their mail in ballots. I filled in my sample ballot. We discussed pros and cons of various candidates and initiatives. Interesting perspective from the 19 year old son... he made me reevaluate a few things on the initiative. I think we'll keep this tradition.

Later that evening Son and DH walked to the mailbox to drop off their ballots. Bonus - the dog got an extra walk. LOL.

I chose to vote in person on Tuesday. In previous years I have voted in person, on election day. This year I chose to vote early at the county registrar of voters (ROV) office. I brought my unopened mail in ballot to turn in.

There was a 7-8 car line for drive through ballot drop off. There was no wait to start the process of in person voting. I was given a pen at the first station outside (from a jar labeled "clean pens"). I turned it in at the end of the process at the last station in a jar labeled "dirty pens". After filling out a short form I went inside and was processed by a ROV employee. She accepted my mail in ballot and marked it as void. She gave me a new envelope - affixed with my information. She also gave me a credit card type thing. I took that to the next room and inserted it into the voting machine. The machine let my select my choices, review my choices, and then printed out the votes. (This was my first time using this machine.) The paper print out was then put in the envelope. The next and last station they sealed the envelope and had me sign it (like a mail in ballot). I put the pen in the dirty pen jar, the card in the dirty card box, and the ballot in the ballot box.

Yesterday I was notified that my ballot was accepted and would be counted. Son's and DH's ballots were also accepted.

More than 370K Pa. mail-in ballots not accepted because most were duplicates I just seen on the news.
More than 370K Pa. mail-in ballots not accepted because most were duplicates I just seen on the news.

Not ballots, but ballot applications.

I think this is a case of the process to prevent fraud working, but with unintended consequences. Many of the mail-in ballot applications that were denied were deemed duplicate requests. Apparently when voters requested a mail-in ballot for the primary, there was a box to check that indicated the voter wanted a mail-in ballot for future elections. If voters checked that box, and subsequently sent an application for a mail-in ballot for the November election, the requests were considered duplicate and (both) denied.

While PA has had absentee voting, this is the first year we are able to vote by mail without an acceptable excuse. It’s a great idea but we have to learn the intricacies. I hope the state keeps mail-in voting after virus times, because otherwise PA does not make it easy to vote. There is no early voting, and we can only vote at our assigned polling place.
^ yes exactly! I should of made myself more clear.
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