Iced Coffee at McDonald's


Full time employment: Posting here.
Mar 20, 2006
I haven't been to McD's in over twenty years (vegetarian/healthy eater) but I did set foot in one today because we had a coupon for a free iced coffee. It was really good! I had vanilla syrup in mine, DH had hazelnut. It may not taste exactly the same as a Starbucks latte, but it had a nice taste. Coffee was good, syrup not too sweet and artificial. And about $1 less than SB.

I'm hoping I'm not completely losing it and that I won't be embarking on a slippery downhill slide eating at McD's.
One reason why I think it was so satisfying was that they don't offer low/non-fat milk like SB's (or a decaf version). So it was light cream, but supposedly not too many calories or fat grams. I had it at 4 p.m. and really didn't feel like dinner or dessert later. And that's a whole other thread about whether it is good to have a little fat and conceivably save on more fat grams and calories later on due to feeling satisfied....

A little part of me is wondering whether ER has caused my taste (gustatory as well as literary/film) to disintegrate...or whether I am trying to convinjce myself that the cheaper stuff is as good, now that I am no longer earning money....

Has anyone tried this?
Interesting, after the summer ends I never drink iced coffee.

Also must admit I've never tried the McD's version.
The McDonalds around here offer free (hot) coffee every Monday.

McDonalds is determined to compete with Starbucks now that Starbucks is selling more food items. I learned today that McD's plans to install fancy latte equipment during 2008.
My son was getting a lot of the iced coffees over the summer. He swears they must be putting crack in them, they are that addictive. But they were getting too expensive for him so he learned to make something similar at home. Not as good as McD, but good enough for the price.
Haven't tried their iced coffee, but McD's regular coffee is, IMHO, better than Starbux -- and a "senior coffee" (12 oz. for the over 55 folks in the crowd) is priced from 25 cents to about 60 cents, depending on the individual McD location!
Haven't tried their iced coffee, but McD's regular coffee is, IMHO, better than Starbux -- and a "senior coffee" (12 oz. for the over 55 folks in the crowd) is priced from 25 cents to about 60 cents, depending on the individual McD location!

I like their regular coffee, too. Frank likes to eat breakfast there but I won't eat there, so I usually get their coffee while I'm sitting there with him. It wakes you right up! :eek: Love it that way.
We will do the McD's breakfast when on a road trip and trying to cover the miles. So a few times a year they get to see us. In November, Bloomberg had some info on the coffee wars between Dunkin D, McD's and the big S. So, one morning we stopped at one and tried it. We both enjoyed it. Have not had one since.

Home brew works here! :cool:
McDonalds is determined to compete with Starbucks now that Starbucks is selling more food items.

Food items. Is that what they're calling those stale rolls, sour and oily english muffins, and overpriced little clumps of fruit?


I worked 3 years at the local McDonald's back in highschool -- I'm not saying they serve food either, mind you. Nor have I set foot in the place in decades, apart from the occasional road trip through Nevada. But at least the price of a standard serving of cardboard is more reasonable under the golden arches.
About a year ago consumer reports did a taste test and McDonalds coffee beat Starbucks:

McDonald's Tops Starbucks in Coffee Taste Test

I do drink Starbucks coffee occasionally but I think it has a bitter taste compared to coffee served elsewhere. Perhaps you have to acquire a taste for it.
Haven't tried their iced coffee, but McD's regular coffee is, IMHO, better than Starbux -- and a "senior coffee" (12 oz. for the over 55 folks in the crowd) is priced from 25 cents to about 60 cents, depending on the individual McD location!

The best thing they did around here was they now mix the cream and sugar in the hot coffee before they give it to you. It's the small things in life you know!
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