If You Could Change One Thing About Your Personality, What Would You Change?

Whut? Nobody believes me?
That's interesting. What is it about Florida that you feel is different from other places in that regard? I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary as far as "saying one thing and doing something else" but maybe I am missing something.

According the head honcho guy on 30 Rock, the entire population of the state of Florida is a criminal population, so I'm not surprised. :)
I have realized I am totally lacking in tact, but don't see that as something to be corrected.
Oh yeah?
I think it waaaaay more likely that there are a whole bunch of them who need the class as much as I do. :cool:

if you find a class let me know as i have been told i would be a suitable candidate
I am at heart a self-centered a**hole.

I deal with it by pretending I am a pleasant, civilized person. It works pretty well, but I have to be on guard that the demon doesn't get loose. Change behavior and you change reality.
I am at this very moment at home(here in western PA) waiting for an HVAC technician to show up to check out my furnace before winter. I took vacation time after lunch to be home early, and he should have been here. I called the company an hour ago to confirm that I was on the schedule and was told he "might" come.

I have been waiting for that to happen again, but the guy has always shown up. The reason is that the next time, I'm going to sue the SOB in small claims court for the value of my time. I didn't know that was an option in years past but I'll do it in the future. That way THEY have to take a day off without pay!:LOL:

There is more than enough precedent for one to win the case if you're ornery enough to take the time to do it.
There is more than enough precedent for one to win the case if you're ornery enough to take the time to do it.
Now that DH is retired he's realized he has enough time to get ornery and stay that way until he gets what he wants.

The other day he got aggravated, but the problem was solved rather quickly. He felt that was a good thing...because he was about to tell 'em, "Don't make me get all retired on your @ss!" :LOL:

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