Inspired by 'what do you do all day'

Amen. Unfortunately now with a female roommate/pal/companion I just stay out of her way - she does New Orleans style cooking also (20 plus pounds to prove it) house stuff and gardening I defer to her. I get to play with the lawnmower and my chainsaw when the mood strikes.

heh heh heh - :cool: Off limits is 'my computer room' where squalor reigns supreme!

Wow, Mick, you've got it made. Isn't this want all men want?;)

And women too!
Martha, thanks for resurrecting the black toilet scandal thread! ha does indeed have a very credible level of squalor-living!

My toilets, well, my excuse is that the well water has a high iron content and that is why they look dirty. I don't want to contemplate just how long it has been since they've been cleaned.
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