Is there a 0% cash advance credit card?


Recycles dryer sheets
Jul 4, 2005
Hi all,

I had a thought, if we could find a 0% teaser interest rate credit card, we could cash advance it, stick the advance into EmigrantDirect until the teaser runs out and repay.

I'm sure I'm not the first one to think of this, but anyone have any idea where to find a 0% cash advance credit card? Maybe through a credit union or something? I've onyl found one card which is a 6-month 0% Citi College credit card, and as I'm no longer in college, am not able to get it.

Olav23 said:
Hi all,

I had a thought, if we could find a 0% teaser interest rate credit card, we could cash advance it, stick the advance into EmigrantDirect until the teaser runs out and repay.

I'm sure I'm not the first one to think of this, but anyone have any idea where to find a 0% cash advance credit card? Maybe through a credit union or something? I've onyl found one card which is a 6-month 0% Citi College credit card, and as I'm no longer in college, am not able to get it.


Read some of my past posts.

Olav23 said:
Searching now.. Sorry to repost!

It's okay. I do it myself.

BTW, I thought these -0- % CC deals would have dried up by now.
But...................I just got a phone call from a card I am not
presently using, offering -0- for 6 months on the whole line.
During a brief pause at my end, they added a month and cut
the fee cap. I figure with a bit of work I can add a few more months
and maybe get the fee waived. Money for nothing!
What a concept!!

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