It's all my fault (what's happening in the market)


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 21, 2007
OK, it's time I fessed up. What's happening in the market is my fault, and I need to admit it to others.

Why do I say this? The last time I was considering retirement was in spring 2008. I was just about to become eligible to retire @ 50 yo with my pension (defined benefit) under a 30 years regardless of age scenario. So I planned on working OMY until 2009.... and we see what the result was! I did stick to the plan and FIRE'd.

Then I went back to work late 2010, first doing some consulting work and then getting an easy "keep my mind busy" job as an adjunct teaching one class. Then it became two classes, and three, then before I knew it full time.

So here we were again in late 2021 when I decided that it was time to retire (again), but again I would do OMY to leave after the Fall 22 term. Looks like that once again, my decision was at market peak!

So now you all know who to blame.
Are you teaching any economics classes? If yes, what school? :LOL:
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Eh, I think I'm partly to blame for this one, as well. I was seriously thinking about retiring in early 2020, when I hit 50, but then Covid sort of blew the wind out of that sail. I recovered pretty quickly, financially, but kept working because they had us teleworking, and it just seemed like easy money. I was starting to think about retiring again, in late 2021, and figured that if my investments were still at the same level by the time April rolled around, I'd retire. Well, April came and went, and so did my asset total!

I started thinking, too, that I'd retire once they tried to push for us going back to the office. Well, starting next week, we have to go in 2 days per pay period (get paid every two weeks). And, my asset totals keep dropping. Plus the kickup in inflation, and I actually feel kinda poor!

So, maybe I should set a goal of working until I'm 70? Maybe THAT's what it will take, for the market to turn around? :p
Keep working my friend and please let us know about a year in advance when you are thinking of retiring again :D
Ok, get back to work, so the market will go up again :D lol
For the good of society, please plan to w*rk until you’re 145 years old. ;)
C1997R, please do let us know when you put your snow shovel/salt in storage each year, so we know when to expect a blizzard! (That happened to me this year, the late Mid-Atlantic snow forecast came right after I put the shovel and salt away. Sorry.)
Just wanted to update this thread.

Spoke w/my department chair to start the process of retiring. Not sure yet of when (the earliest will be the end of the fall term, but it might not be until the end of the spring term).

Just in case any of you were wondering why the market is in free-fall and about to test the June lows.
Just wanted to update this thread.

Spoke w/my department chair to start the process of retiring. Not sure yet of when (the earliest will be the end of the fall term, but it might not be until the end of the spring term).

Just in case any of you were wondering why the market is in free-fall and about to test the June lows.

Well, congratulations again. You have just changed OMY syndrome into OMS (one more semester) You are getting closer. :D
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