Joining the Hernia Club

Had a vasectomy yet?

Had an no-scalpel. Nurse complimented me on my shaving job.. said she didn't need to do any prep. Went smooth as anything and was way less painless than the sigmoidoscopy.

can't contribute much else to this thread... no hernias so far, thank god.
Can you blame them? They saw what you did to the family jewels and decided to just keep a low profile...
This is something I will never need......

but I do know a surgeon who makes his living on this procedure.

Who says men don't change their minds?
Final Update

Went in for my three-week follow up. The doc confirmed that I am now better-than-new. He said that if it recurred or there was a problem, it wouldn't be because of something I did. That is, I couldn't cause it to recur by lifting heavy logs or surfing. So that makes me the bionic man, groin-wise, but I won't push it.

I still have a little numbness in a non-important area, but that may go away in time.

So I'm back to splitting firewood and surfing, and it feels great. This reminded me not to take my health for granted.

Here's a shot I took (with the $1 digicam) on the way home from surfing yesterday:


  • TripHomeFromSurfing.jpg
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Just no log splitting while surfing. Unless you're REALLY good.

Hey, another use for the $1 digicam...I gave my old worthless one to Gabe a few weeks ago with fresh batteries. He's taken to it as a heck of a good toy, although most of the time he prefers to take shots with his eye up to the FRONT of the camera lens.

After all this time, we have a couple of hundred shots, about 25 of which are actually pretty interesting "baby eye view" shots.
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