Just FYI, I survived surgery.

Thanks to everyone for making me feel a lot better.

Shery and MJ,
By combining your signature lines, I feel like moving on from here and getting on with my future.

One thing I discovered during this process is that I have two shining stars for best friends (they do not know each other, yet I've known each for over 20 years). They provided a lot of strength during this process.

As to recovery, I feel much, much better this morning. Everthing seems to be working. I was worried mainly that my kidneys might both fail due to stress. Hopefully a few more days and I'll get off Norco painkillers and get back to exercise and good times.

Thanks for everyone who wished me well.
OAP. I am glad you are home and past that ordeal. Also glad you discovered how true blue your friends are. Get well quick!

OAP, get well soon!! If you can walk this time of year on the miracle mile, yer one stud hombre!! 8)
As soon as you can go for the Chardonay, indulge yourself. A good glass of red wine (tanic) has also excellent reputation. Wish you the best.
OAP: so glad you are back home and on the road to recovery. You really are made of true grit..-- walking all that way home after surgery. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Don't overdue now.
I have my eye on a bottle of 1998 Heneschke Hill of Grace Shiraz. Yummy.

I walked the 4 blocks in about 20 minutes. Mainly cause it was Sunday and there were no taxiis outside the hospital. I was wheezing a bit by the time I got home.
yeah hope Lance got the Thai phrase right on that one. I felt like I had the crap choked out of me :D

So glad to hear the surgery went smoothly. I can't imagine the trauma your body withstood. You are a real trooper! The other good thing is - your wonderful sense of humor has remained intact.

Where is your girlfriend, the one that had to leave to take care of her ailing parents? Do you expect her back anytime soon? If not, I hope you make sure to get friends or nurses/aides to check in on you frequently during your recuperation.

Take care, and let us know how you are progressing.


I got to laugh to keep from crying. A friend and I were laughing so hard last night, I thought I would rip some stitches.

No, my lady friend has so many problems with elderly parents that I doubt we ever reconnect. Too bad, nice person to have beside ya.
OAP, best wishes for a quick rebound, on both the health front and the love life.


I am so glad that you made it through the operation. I really can not believe that you walked home from the hospital. I think that is nuts, since it is winter and you live in Chicago. Please take care of yourself during your recuperation phase. I hope that you do have a speedy recovery and that you start your traveling and enjoying yourself. So many places, so little time!

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