Let's see how far reaching this forum is ? Where do you live and at what age did you

On the coast of Connecticut. Still working at 58, but not for too much longer.
Metro Detroit & SW FLorida, retired at 56. :dance:

This is who I want to be. I'm 56 and have lived in Metro Detroit my entire life. Would like to have a place in SW Florida, but not sure I want to work any longer to enable that goal. As I said, I'm 56 and in OMY mode.
When I joined the forum, I was living and working in Japan, on assignment. I retired from Japan and moved home to central Kalifornia at year-end 2012.
North San Diego county, 42 years old, went to half time work seven months ago. Wife is still working full time - I have three little ones to shuttle to school/practice so it still feels full time!
Vermont, until retirement, when we'll move somewhere else since the state taxes everything! Still working at 63 - planned to retire at end of 2018 when eligible for Medicare, but my current job is so stressful that now I'm shooting for sometime this year.

This is my first post - I don't feel comfortable enough with this group (yet) to post personal and financial details in the "Hi, I am" forum and am just wading in slowly.
LeaveVT >>> this is a great site with great people and excellent advise. I'm fairly new here and have seen nothing but top notch people. Just my 2 cents.
Northern Illinois. Don't know why. Something to do with the coefficient of friction.

Just celebrated my one year anniversary of RE. Left Megacorp on my 60th Birthday.
Best present I ever gave myself
Living in SE Iowa for now, considering relocation to a warmer climate, or yearly snow-birding to FL. DW retired 5 years ago, I retired a bit over 3 years ago at age 61
Southeast Alaska, first day of retirement was 1/2/2013 (only because 1/1 still felt like a holiday), at age 60. That's 3+ years with absolutely no regret of not working for somebody.
Live in the Twin Cities.
Retired 5 years ago at 55 from mega corp. Still working part time in real estate.
All the way over in Norway. Retired too early in 2006 @40 because of health issues.
LeaveVT >>> this is a great site with great people and excellent advise. I'm fairly new here and have seen nothing but top notch people. Just my 2 cents.

Oh, I'm sure that's true and I've seen that already - I just meant that for me I'm slow to open up in a public forum. I was referred to this site by several people on another forum (TUG) where I've spent years, and they recommended it highly.
LeaveVT, welcome!

And I just wanted to assure you that nobody expects you to reveal your financial and personal info in your introductory post, or ever. You could just say hi, and maybe a few other things so that people feel like they know who they are talking to. Some examples, with my own answers might be: your general age range ("I am in my 60's"), part of the country or what other country if you live overseas ("I live in the South"), when you are hoping to retire ("I retired in 2009"), what kind of posts you like to read ("Love to read posts about enjoying retirement without spending much"), if you have 27 grandchildren ("no grandchildren yet"), if you are still in college ("nope, no college in retirement for me"), what you hope to get out of the forum ("reading the forum helps me to keep my spending in line"), if you like to cook ("After years of cooking for a family, I really don't want to cook any more"), your favorite hobbies ("video gaming"), or something like that. And if any of that seems too intrusive, skip it! We sure don't want you to say anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Here's my original "Hi, I am..." post, if you are curious. I do think most people give less info about themselves than I did but I am pretty open about this stuff.

Lots of people here haven't given out any financial details at all. Anyway, make yourself at home and we hope you enjoy posting here.
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Live outside Denver, retired at age 61. DH retired last Friday! We are looking at moving to VT.
PV MX for 5.5 mo (Latitude 20)/ West Vancouver BC for 5 months (Latitude 49)/ travel rest, mostly Europe. 60

Hey Nemo, my DS is attending Loyalist College this fall for a one year Graduate Diploma. Seems like a nice area.
Son, DIL and 3 GCs live in PEC on West Lake. But kids educated in Belleville.
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