list your peculiarities here

ladelfina said:
Such a funny showering discussion! Coincidentally, on an ex-pats forum the current hot topic is the use of bidets (front, back, spray or non-, paper, towels, etc.).

Oh yes, I hate using a toilet that doesn't have a bidet/"shower" attachment. Just don't feel clean otherwise. Saves on toilet paper, too.

Say I am eating a supper of mashed potatoes, green beans, and a pot roast. When I eat I go around the plate taking a bit of everything and keep doing it until there is one bite left of everything. Then I will eat the thing I like least, first, leaving my favorite for last. No one else in my family eats like this. They will eat all the green beans, then all the potatoes, and then all the meat. I am willing to concede there might be something seriously wrong with me!
I need to pace to think clearly.

I need to read.

I don't like food items on my plate to touch.
bpp said:
Oh yes, I hate using a toilet that doesn't have a bidet/"shower" attachment. Just don't feel clean otherwise. Saves on toilet paper, too.

After the bidet rinse, then what? No toilet paper to dry off?
Put shaving cream on first, brush teeth while walking around other rooms, floss and rinse with non-alcohol mouthrinse. Then shave in the same pattern every single day cause of heavy beard. First stroke is always from right sideburn down past the antitragus and end at lower neck. Every single day, same.

By now the colon is rollin and I do my dooty. Wipe with moistened pads. Nothing should be spared to keep that area from becoming a surgical requirement.

In shower, Anti-Bacterial Liquid clear soap (no pig fat bars please) and groin first including all orifices and this part of the show lasts the longest.

Next sponge rest of body with same clear liquid and put some in hand for pits which get a mini massage and scratching.

Next shampoo but meanwhile I have been constantly stepping in and out of shower stream. Shampoo is always H2O marine. Green slimey stuff. Let shower flow that concoction down my body where it become my body oder.

Couple of observations:
1. Using the Clear Liquid means never having to clean the tub. It actually does it for you.
2. Being Anti-Bacterial means no deoderant needed with all those nasty chemicals. And I pit my pit smell against any deoderized chemical pit. :D
Martha I was going to mention the "food not touching" thing, that drives me nuts too, I do not want my string beans (or run off juices) in my taters. I actually have a divided plate I use at home. I drive hubby nuts with some of my food peculiarities.
How about toppings on pizza? Do you allow them to touch the crust?
I like to mix together as many foods on the plate as will go well together.
I think we should invite a psychiatrist to review this thread.    We have a bunch of undiagnosed obsessive/compulsive behavior here.  :)
cabbage said:
Say I am eating a supper of mashed potatoes, green beans, and a pot roast. When I eat I go around the plate taking a bit of everything and keep doing it until there is one bite left of everything.

Martha said:
I don't like food items on my plate to touch.

Outtahere said:
Martha I was going to mention the "food not touching" thing, that drives me nuts too, I do not want my string beans (or run off juices) in my taters. I actually have a divided plate I use at home. I drive hubby nuts with some of my food peculiarities.

Seek professional help. Please do it now before it's too late. If you don't get treatment soon you'll start crying out for help by posting anonymously on message boards, then socks will begin disappearing from your laundry. :eek:
No wonder some of you have ER'd or want to cause you are working to hard to keep up with your perculiarities.

My own perculiarities may be that I don't follow any hygienic or nourishment patterns so by some, I might be considered odd. ;)
Outtahere said:
Martha I was going to mention the "food not touching" thing, that drives me nuts too, I do not want my string beans (or run off juices) in my taters.  I actually have a divided plate I use at home.  I drive hubby nuts with some of my food peculiarities.


I have a buddy that will only eat one item at a time. If he has a plate of string beans, rice, chicken and a roll........he will eat all the beans then rotate the plate and eat all the rice next, rotate the plate eat all the chicken then finish with his roll.  :LOL:  I give him hell everytime I see it. I've known him since college and he hasen't changed a bit.
DOG51 said:
I have a buddy that will only eat one item at a time. If he has a plate of string beans, rice, chicken and a roll........he will eat all the beans then rotate the plate and eat all the rice next, rotate the plate eat all the chicken then finish with his roll.

I'm acquianted with someone with the same dysfunctional behavior. I was in the military with a guy who would cut everything on his plate into bite-sized pieces before he would take his first bite. Knew another guy who would not drink any liquid until he completely finished his meal. Then he would down an entire glass of water at once.
Martha said:
I think obsessive people are more likely to retire early.   :)

And I agree with you!
I turn down the radio when I need to concentrate while driving.

I started to post earlier that I eat one thing at a time (like REWahoo's friend), but I'm not as strict about that as I used to be and in fact often sample around a bit throughout the meal, However, french fries are usually eaten last unless I take them home then I eat them first before they get too cold.

OldAgePensioner said:
2. Being Anti-Bacterial means no deoderant needed with all those nasty chemicals. And I pit my pit smell against any deoderized chemical pit. :D

I sometimes use antibacterial soap, but even then I put on deoderant. I always smell just fine out of the shower...the deoderant is for later in the day. I don't usually do this, but sometimes I'll get a wet rag and wash off the deoderant at night if I'm alone or if it's bugging me.
Am I the only one who feels some of the posts are bordering on "too much information?"
I use Dove, with one-quarter cleansing cream; I have very sensitive skin...
i got a little scared when this thread quickly moved from my kitchen table to your bathroom because i was so sure this would degenerate into a fetish string. no, that was not the door opening to that.

ya know rewahoo, i would have noticed these lower case letters eventually; i haven't even been er'd a year yet.

oap & justin, i'm just amazed you guys ever find your way out of your bathrooms.

ladelfina, i'd offer you a drink but i don't like going into bars during the day or, like you, movies. i can't do the indoor dark stuff because i feel like i'm being cheated of daylight. however, i've no compunction about sleeping until 2 in the afternoon. and while i don't eat hamburgers, i do time the consumption of my potato chips to match the duration of my tunafish sandwich.

i once had martha's food touching problem but so many years of thanksgiving dinners has made me tolerant of that.

unlike bigmoney, i turn the music up to concentrate on my driving; i feel like it makes me one with the car.

one other food item. i always leave something left. i've traced this back to my childhood when i was told to eat everything on my plate because there are people starving in biafra. but i cleverly figured out early on that this only meant i should leave some food for them. to this day, i have no idea how it gets there.
lazygood4nothinbum said:
oap & justin, i'm just amazed you guys ever find your way out of your bathrooms.

If I don't follow my little routines and subroutines, I'd probably get to work and realize I forgot to shave or brush my teeth or something.

Another reason to ER!
::::sneaks into justin's bathroom, replaces his washcloth with a left-handed one, stalks amused as justin's entire rest of the day is thrown off kilter:::::
Pizza is fine :) but I hate Shepards Pie, hamburger, corn and mashes potatoes should NEVER touch LOL.

I also have to admit I eat one thing at a time saving the best for last. I think it has something to do with my mother making me eat something I didn't like before I could have the good stuff.

Justin, my dh is the same way, if I interrupt his routine he always forgets to do something, like shave or brush his teeth, it ruins his whole day.
This may or may not be a peculiarity.

I take a really long time to make a decision, and often hold out until I'm forced to make it. Once I do, however, I never second guess...
youbet said:
Am I the only one who feels some of the posts are bordering on "too much information?"
Oooh, yeah.

It's hard to become passionate about personal hygiene when, every few days during your career, you've been:
- racked out at 3 AM by an emergency or some other wakeup,
- spent four hours standing around spiky-haired & grotty-eyed with a caffeine IV being dragged into three simultaneous discussions trying to fix the problems,
- grabbed a handful of food on the run because you had to go to work/on watch for the rest of the morning,
- spent the afternoon trying to sort out what happened last midwatch and hoping to avoid a recurrence,
- caught a glimpse of yourself in the bathroom mirror and swore that this week you'd really really shower before you crashed into bed, and this time you really mean it.

I was talking about raising a baby, but I suppose the same sequence of events would apply to the submarine force.

You guys all saw the way sanitation was handled on "1900 House" and "Frontier House", right?  Anyone feel their personal life expectancy has been extended by their current hygiene habits?!?

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