Lost and (not) Found


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 11, 2008
What have you lost and not found yet?

For me, I just lost my scraper for my George Foreman grill and have no idea what happened. I looked at the usual possible places like my silverware drawer and dishwasher, but no luck. Made some bacon the other day and a spatula didn't do justice. Looks like I'm gonna have to fork over some money to buy a replacement. Of course, I know once I buy once, the scraper probably will show up :facepalm:.
One of the huge advantages to living alone, is that I seldom if ever lose anything. "A place for everything, and everything in its place" really does work for me.

I lost the stylus to one of my n3DSXL video game consoles while playing a game a few weeks ago. Apparently I got distracted before sliding it into the stylus recess where it goes, in the console. But a few days later I found it under my chair.

I can't remember the last time before that when I lost anything at all.
What have you lost and not found yet?

Don't know yet.

The thing I lost and did find was my wallet. I was on hold to report the first credit card as lost, aimlessly walking around, there it was!
a pair of black golf shoes that have disappeared
Just found the sucker. The Foreman scraper was placed in knife drawer. Absent minded me :facepalm:. The bacon should taste better with the scraper back.
A steak knife from my set of eight earlier this month. I've searched high and low but it's not to be found. All I can figure is that it somehow ended up in the trash.
Just found the sucker. The Foreman scraper was placed in knife drawer. Absent minded me :facepalm:. The bacon should taste better with the scraper back.

Yay!!! :dance:

While you were looking for it, I remembered that a while back I looked for, but simply could not find my undergraduate materials book. But in that case, I think I know what happened to it. It was terribly worn, so worn that every page (not most, but every single one, separately!!!) had detached from the binding and fell out separately. It had been held together with nothing but rubber bands for lo these many years.

When I moved in the summer of 2015, I suspect that I threw it out in disgust. So, technically it don't count it as being lost.
Hmm, lost...

1. Linda Ronstadt poster from the 1970s, I know I didn't throw that one out.

2. Norden bombsight. Yes, I've lugged & stored this thing since the late 1970s, when it was purloined from an abandoned engineering lab that was slated for demolition at my old college. I think I last saw it in the 90s when we were moving to our present location. There are tons of unopened boxes and crates from that move so maybe it's here somewhere. (I miss you)


Business card from the Ft Huachuca Billeting Office. OK, it wasn't officially "lost", but brought back some pleasant memories.



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2. Norden bombsight. Yes, I've lugged & stored this thing since the late 1970s, when it was purloined from an abandoned engineering lab that was slated for demolition at my old college.

Um, is there someone in particular that you really, seriously, dislike?:LOL:
1/4" drive 10 mm deep socket, short 1/4" drive ratchet extension, both of which were last used when I did a good bit of work on my 2003 Jetta. They are either on the lower splash pan or on the highway somewhere. :(
Yay!!! :dance:

While you were looking for it, I remembered that a while back I looked for, but simply could not find my undergraduate materials book. But in that case, I think I know what happened to it. It was terribly worn, so worn that every page (not most, but every single one, separately!!!) had detached from the binding and fell out separately. It had been held together with nothing but rubber bands for lo these many years.

When I moved in the summer of 2015, I suspect that I threw it out in disgust. So, technically it don't count it as being lost.

When I moved away from my last place, the moving company had some shady looking workers. During the move, they said, that needed a break (might have been a lunch break, can't remember exactly now). After the move I noticed a couple of things missing. One was a box of knives. Another was an external CD writer (back then, costed about $150) for my Mac computer. I assumed those shady mover swiped the boxes during the so called break. I never saw the box of knives again. But several year later, did find the box with the CD writer when I was looking for something else :LOL:.
Lost a lot of things over the years. Can't remember what they were. Occasionally find suff I remember having, usually when I don't need them. OTOH when I need them, cant find them.
A pair of Lands End slip-on loafers.
I am guessing I gave them away without meaning to and kept a pair I wanted to give away. The shoes were in boxes. Next time I will double-check all donated items. :mad:
Hmm, lost...

1. Linda Ronstadt poster from the 1970s, I know I didn't throw that one out.

2. Norden bombsight. ...

Umm, if you have a spouse, I have a theory of what happened to them... :cool:

They are lost forever.

My original Social Security card. When I needed it I tried to look for the box labeled "Important Stuff" in the attic. DH has so many important "treasures" in the attic that I decided that it was easier, and less risky physically, to go downtown to the SS office and get a replacement. Took care of that with no problem about 11 years ago.

I have a feeling that my birth certificate may also be in that box. I'm not sure if I ever had it, but if I did, it would be in that box, too. I printed off the form to get a copy of my birth certificate but I haven't done it yet because it costs $25 and I really should just find that box!

Back in the 80's DH lost his favorite pocket knife after a trip to Denver to see his family. Many, many years later he found it in the side pocket of one of our really old suitcases. I'm glad he found that before we threw those old suitcases away.
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'Of all the things I have lost in my life I miss my mind the most' :LOL:

We lost our favorite cork screw several months ago, it was used often and was always stored in the same drawer so we think it may have been inadvertently thrown in the garbage :nonono:
Cannot find the replacement bulb to our full spectrum lamp. We've both looked a dozen times, haven't found it - but we're certain we have one. I'm about to order one...

...except I couldn't find my Best of Cat Stevens CD a few years back. After two years I bought another copy. Only to find the first behind my nightstand accidently a few weeks later.

Grrrrrrrrrrrr (mildly)
A fork. I only have 11 forks now. One night after getting takeout we only had 10 and I had to go look in the garbage. I found it so we are back to 11. But what happened to #12?
Cannot find the replacement bulb to our full spectrum lamp. We've both looked a dozen times, haven't found it - but we're certain we have one. I'm about to order one...

...except I couldn't find my Best of Cat Stevens CD a few years back. After two years I bought another copy. Only to find the first behind my nightstand accidently a few weeks later.

Grrrrrrrrrrrr (mildly)

Never fails, the moment you buy a replacement, the original turns up. At least that's how things seem. Kinda like the if you bring an umbrella, no rain. If go without, the rain comes down.
Several pairs of Vasque shoes. Got on a real Vasque buying jag and decided I wanted some airy ones for the desert in SoCal and water resistant Gortex lined ones for Oregon. Mid boots for off trail and light low cut for road walking. Damned if they can be found, and I've torn up the houses north and south - missing pairs for both locations.
A fork. I only have 11 forks now. One night after getting takeout we only had 10 and I had to go look in the garbage. I found it so we are back to 11. But what happened to #12?

Spoons! I have replaced some, suddenly I look(because we're always short) there's now seven! I should have bought 20 more of the things.
I've lost more stuff than I can remember.
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