Meet Nerdle; Wordle for Geeks (No spoilers here either!)

Answer accepted as commutative (a+b=b+a) To disallow see settings.

nerdlegame 23 3/6


Did they update the game to allow this? After 2 guesses, I had 4 possibilities. Because of the commutative setting, I got away with a 3! But without that setting, I could have run out of room to guess.
nerdlegame 24 3/6

���������������� #nerdle
nerdlegame 24 4/6


I’m pretty satisfied with this, only my second try ever.
nerdlegame 25 5/6

nerdlegame 25 5/6


Disappointed with my performance on this one because I completely blew the third guess (conflicting with the given info). The next miss was just a crap shoot.

On the plus side, I had a good theory very quickly, so came up with an "it has to be" situation.
nerdlegame 25 3/6

���������������� #nerdle
Luck was definitely involved.
nerdlegame 26 3/6

���������������� #nerdle
First time playing

nerdlegame 26 3/6

:confused::confused:?? #nerdle
nerdlegame 26 3/6


Starter equations really did the job. Spent almost no time with this one.
nerdlegame 27 4/6


It was a 50-50 to get a birdie today, but I guessed wrong.
A little tricky, I thought, as well as aesthetically displeasing. I can already think of another trick that I would find slightly more displeasing, and I hope they don't do it.

nerdlegame 27 4/6

:confused::confused:?? #nerdle
nerdlegame 27 3/6

nerdlegame 27 4/6

���������������� #nerdle
nerdlegame 28 5/6


I could exclude most operators with my first guess, but it still took me 5 rounds.
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