My Mom's Advanced Heart Failure

My mom passed away yesterday afternoon. It was very sudden. The doctor said that her heart just stopped.

We had been out while the caregiver was with her. We were on the way home when I got a call from the service that the caregiver had called them and said my mom had fallen. She said that my mom was OK and talking and nothing was broken, but she lacked strength to get up.

We were only a couple of minutes away so we went there. Mom was on the floor in the bathroom with the caregiver. Apparently she had had a sponge bath and had gotten up from her tub transfer bench and was holding on the walker. It sounded to me like she basically sort of slid down to the floor. It wasn't a hard fall.

She was conscious and talking when we got there. She said she could get up which wasn't surprising as she normally needed to be sitting somewhere fairly high up for her to be able to get up. Also, she was in an awkward position. We moved the walker out of the way and she could roll over and get in a better position. We helped her sit up.

Then we got the walker right behind her. It was one of those with 4 wheels and a seat. So it was easy to get her from the floor to the seat. During all of this she was talking and making sense. She tried to help DH with the handles on the walker and he told her that he could handle it and for her to just ride.

He pushed her to her room (next to the bathroom) and got the walker next to the bed. He was saying he was going to help her stand up using the walker when he suddenly said that she was unresponsive and for me to call 911. It seemed to change in the blink of an eye.

I called 911 and the paramedics were there in 4 minutes. They commented that she still had spontaneous respiration. They took her out to their ambulance and worked there in the parking lot for awhile and then took her to the ER.

I got to the ER and basically I found out that her heart had stopped at some point and they had been working to get it started and couldn't really get it done. She never regained consciousness.

It was shocking for her to be gone so suddenly. I knew that with her heart failure that it would really only end one way, but I didn't expect it so quickly. Based upon my conversations with the doctors and nurses I expected her to continue to decline and to ultimately succumb. I just didn't expect it to be yesterday.

From what I have read almost half of people who die due to heart failure died through a sudden cardiac arrest. I am thankful that my mother did not have to suffer through a long and painful decline.

Of course, from my standpoint although I felt I was generally prepared for her to die I wasn't really thinking it would be yesterday. I just kept thinking about how shocked I was for it to be so sudden.
I'm very sorry for your loss. It's always a surprise when it happens, even when you're expecting it. You did everything you could, and I'm sure your Mom knows how much you cared. Take care of yourself now for awhile.
This has been a tough road for your mom, for you, and for your family. Best wishes as you move on, I'm sorry for your loss.
Oh my goodness, Katsmeow. I've been following your story from the beginning. I'm so sorry for loss, but it sounds like she didn't really suffer. (((hugs)))
My sympathies to you and your family. You and your mother have been on my mind a lot lately. I’m very sorry for this sudden loss.
Katsmeow, we are all shocked as you are. Take care of yourself now.
My sincere condolences. What a comfort it must have been for your mother spending her last days capably cared for by her devoted daughter.
Heartfelt condolences to you and family.
She was lucky to be with you for her final weeks and not having to go through more medical procedures and fear.
Katsmeow, sorry for your loss. You can be sure your mother was much better off spending her final days with you and not in the hospital.
I am so sorry for the loss of your dear mother. You were a wonderful daughter for her.
Sorry for your loss. It has been a tough road, you and your DH, who sounds wonderful, treated her with respect and kindness until her final breath. I hope you can take some comfort from that and take some joy from your lifetime of memories.
Katsmeow, I can not think of any words which may comfort you in this time of your loss. Just know that she was loved right up to the end and was able to spend her final days with family in your home. Several years ago, I found a letter written to my GGGrandfather on the loss of my GGGrandmother. In part, it reads:

"My dear friend it has indeed been a great loss to us but more than an equivalent gain to Mother. Her suffering and cares are ended and the realization of her anticipated happiness consummated. She was permitted to live long enough to know that her children, whom she almost worshiped, were situated with flattering prospects of success."
So sorry to hear.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know it's not any consolation, but in the future, you will be thankful that it wasn't a slow, lingering type of loss that we all fear and that you were so concerned with.
Wow, this was quite a story, and I really felt for you as you suffered such anguish. Your mother had warm loving care, and I wish you recovery and peace in the coming weeks and months.
So sorry for your loss. You were able to make her last days better and to spend time with her.
Blessings to you and your family. Knowing that your Mom was surrounded by loving family allowed her to pass in peace.
Heartfelt sympathy to you.
I am truly sorry for your loss. So glad she got to spend her last days with your loving care.
Very sorry for your sudden loss, katsmeow. Thank you for sharing your last weeks with your mother in such detail here; it has been very helpful to many I'm sure.

Take care of yourself in these coming days - much will happen in a whirlwind, but don't rush to make decisions that you really don't have to make in a hurry. Blessings to all.
Thank you all. I do definitely feel that this was so much better than a lingering, painful death. Of course, I knew my mother had an illness from which she wouldn't recover and that she was declining and that the end result would be death. At the same time, I didn't think it was gong to be this week. Even after a couple of days, I am at times still shocked to realize that she is gone.
Oh katsmeow
Sorry to hear about the lost of your mom. It's never easy.
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