Myers-Briggs and early retirement - the spinoff

ISTJ - and it is not even close in any category.

I remember one exercise we did where they split the "N"s and the "S"s into groups. Both groups were given a plastic bag full of crap, including an empty 2 liter bottle, pipe cleaners, balloons, etc and told to make a toy.

We (the "S"s) sat there staring at the pile of crap for a while and then finally threw it all back in the bag. Our toy was a "do-it-yourself" kit. Then the "N"s came out with this really cool doll thing they had built using the bottle as a base.

I really want to be an INTJ.......
Someone already did. It's an old thread, but the poll still appears to be open. I took the message at the bottom to heart and didn't vote, but what about it Mods? ISTM it makes more sense to have just one poll, even if it is old, than to have duplicate polls on the same question.

I can't believe I did all that work to set up that poll. :blush: I think that I was into polls for a while back then.
NW-bound, do you know where the turf-roofed houses in the top photo are? Are they new or old?
No, it is simply among pictures of unusual self-built houses on this web site that I stumbled across.
I can't believe I did all that work to set up that poll. :blush: I think that I was into polls for a while back then.

Egad, that was a bunch of work. But since it was back in 2005, I think that newer posters should vote on that one and bring it back to the front of the line! Kyoung--go for it! :D
Thanks to Martha for posting the personality poll. I voted in it recently, but that didn't bring it up into the recently active pages. I tried to post to it, but it is too old.
Maybe one of the mods can allow posting on it again so that it will pop to the top of the list when folks post to it?
I am ISTJ. I am glad I am in the early retire group, but ISTJ sounds a bit uptight and critical.... Oh well, as long as I retire early...
INTJ, who once tested as an ISTJ (the N is a very low tendency).

As an INTJ who often feels underrepresented in the community at large, it is good to be here!
Was required to take the test twice, at B-school and at a company off-site (13 years apart) and they came out the same ... INTJ.

I felt vaguely uncomfortable that the test was being taken very seriously by the administrators. I recall being one of only two INTJs in maybe 100 attendees at the company retreat.
Was required to take the test twice, at B-school and at a company off-site (13 years apart) and they came out the same ... INTJ.

I felt vaguely uncomfortable that the test was being taken very seriously by the administrators. I recall being one of only two INTJs in maybe 100 attendees at the company retreat.

Sounds about right to me. INTJs make up about 2% percent of the general population—unlike here at E-R where only the ISTJs come close to matching our numbers, we're twice as frequent as ISTPs, and slightly outnumber the other 13 types put together (based on an unscientific sample, namely the results of Martha's Personality Poll).
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