I am a 57year old orthodontist, successful yet tired of my super stressful job. I have a net worth of over $3M plus a $1M dollar home (paid for). For years, I have turned over the management of our money to a FP, blindly trusting in his decisions. I see now that the returns have been sub-par, and the investment choices from FP always seem to involve heavy fees (i.e. 4.75%) We are invested in more than 30 different vehicles. Want to retire in approx. 2-5 years. Plan is to tell FP that we want to seize control of assets and invest in no more than 5 or 6 Vanguard Funds, to control costs and simplify the accounting. Some FP- planner recommended funds are back loaded and there will also be tax consequences in selling non-IRA assets. The conversion may be costly, but will the benefits outweigh the beauty of controlling our own financial destiny? Also, I would not really know which order to withdraw the funds during retirement. I know to leave tax=deferred funds alone until forced to, but beyond that, does anyone know how to "sequence" the withdrawal? We are used to a comfortable lifestyle and would hope to have $10K per month for life.