New thoughts on SS at FRA vs 70?

I saw a Buick commercial last night. I didn't really pay attention until they said 0% financing for 64 months. If there was any chance I would buy a Buick I'd have to consider that. Maybe some of the other manufacturers will follow suit.
You never know... if this recession is as big as it appears to be, automakers may be practically giving them away.

I'm really concerned for the big three (Ford, GM, and Chrysler).

I thought their decision last year to stop making small cars and sedans was short sighted. If we are in a recession, I wonder how many are going to be buying more expensive SUVs and trucks. You think they would've learned their lesson from when gas spiked to $4 a gallon. But, I guess not.

Yea, I know they also diverted money to electric car development, but those are pricey too.
With the current market valuation, you would historically be far better off taking SS now, rather than waiting until 70. At least for a single person that is true. For a married couple, it is still safer for the higher earner to wait until 70.
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