NFL: 2020 Season

Watching the slo mo replay several times, I don’t think he had a concussion in the first place, he never hit his head on a helmet or the ground that I could see. However his head bends forward alarmingly. He either got choked or some sort of spinal shock, which turned into loopy behavior like a concussion. Not an original thought, several professional talking heads made the same observation. I’m sure neither KC nor Mahomes would actually risk his health (yes, I note your sarcasm), especially with a 10 year contract.
Yes that's what it looked like to me as well. A very bad 'stinger' after compression/decompression of neck vertebrae. When one looks at the way his neck flexed and loaded as he was dragged along it looked like it could have been bad. They probably shouldn't have let him get up immediately and he likely should have had his neck stabilized. But all's well that ends well I suppose... until it isn't. Such is life in pro sports.
Watching the slo mo replay several times, I don’t think he had a concussion in the first place, he never hit his head on a helmet or the ground that I could see. However his head bends forward alarmingly. He either got choked or some sort of spinal shock, which turned into loopy behavior like a concussion. Not an original thought, several professional talking heads made the same observation. I’m sure neither KC nor Mahomes would actually risk his health (yes, I note your sarcasm), especially with a 10 year contract.

That's what I thought when I saw the replay. It just didn't look like that hard of a hit.
Mahomes has been upbeat and his usual self on the local news all week. I’d be a lot more confident if Edwards-Helair, Bell, and Watkins were in better shape. It appears they could play if absolutely necessary but they’ll try and hold them out if possible. Bills are a tough opponent but I don’t think they’re quite up to the pressure of a championship game on the road.

As far as Rodgers v Brady, I’m picking Rodgers. With the season he’s had and the Packer’s defense I don’t see even Brady being able to put TB over the top.

Guess we’ll see tomorrow.
Watching the slo mo replay several times, I don’t think he had a concussion in the first place, he never hit his head on a helmet or the ground that I could see. However his head bends forward alarmingly. He either got choked or some sort of spinal shock, which turned into loopy behavior like a concussion. Not an original thought, several professional talking heads made the same observation. I’m sure neither KC nor Mahomes would actually risk his health (yes, I note your sarcasm), especially with a 10 year contract.

I read that Mahomes suffered some kind of nerve impairment on that hit. Can't remember where I saw it.
Well, if nothing else, the Chiefs/Bills won the commentators game today. Nance/Romo vs Buck/Aikman. No contest.
So far it is looking closer to the Packers-Bucs game from earlier this year. We'll see what the 2nd half holds.
Now it looks like neither team wants it! lol. Ok the defensive sides look like they have come to play now. Entertaining game though.
Horrible that the refs decided the game in favor of Bucs. No call on multiple holds commited by the Bucs but they call one to decide the game against the Packers. Horrible finish. At least be consistant.
Brady tried to throw it away in the second half, but they hung on after all. I can’t believe the Packers lost, especially at home...
Horrible that the refs decided the game in favor of Bucs. No call on multiple holds commited by the Bucs but they call one to decide the game against the Packers. Horrible finish. At least be consistant.
They weren’t calling hand checks on either side. That last one was a LONG jersey grab, they can’t just ignore that. I’m not a Bucs or Packers fan BTW.
Two incredible competitors. Hard to see Rodgers miss the big game after such a great year.
When you absolutely cannot give up a first down it's really poor defense to grab a receiver's jersey that blatantly. In fact after he let go he made another grab with the other hand. Take a chance that the pass is overthrown or dropped.
They are already advertising Tampa Bay NFC Champions gear.

And preparing to donate Green Bay NFC Championship gear overseas.
Weak call on King, but I'm not convinced Rodgers could have pulled it out at that point anyway. I do think the FG was the right call, though.
Brady tried to throw it away in the second half, but they hung on after all. I can’t believe the Packers lost, especially at home...
I gave GB the edge before the game. Glad TB was able to pulled it out.... :dance: Even with all the interceptions Tom threw...:facepalm:
They are already advertising Tampa Bay NFC Champions gear.

And preparing to donate Green Bay NFC Championship gear overseas.

DW used to watch QVC all the time. I always wondered about the cost of manufacturing twice as much gear as needed. Personally, I' be glad to wait a few weeks and get something for half the price.
They are already advertising Tampa Bay NFC Champions gear.

And preparing to donate Green Bay NFC Championship gear overseas.

There were stores staying open late tonight to sell Packer Championship gear. I guess those employees will be sent home early.
Belichick and Kraft look really stupid now...
I call the cheese heads defense SWISS CHEESE. A lot of holes in it.!!! Lol
Belichick and Kraft look really stupid now...

Brady threw 3 INTs and over-threw his receivers a lot of times. They won despite Brady not because of him. He made some good plays but made more bad ones than good ones.
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