nice little jolt

Living in an earthquake zone and being surprised when an earthquake happens.
I wonder what's next?
Being in Las Vegas and finding gambling.
Going to the sea shore and getting hit by a wave?
Snow in the midwest during the winter?
I was on the third floor of my office building, the shaking was pretty good down here in SD.

I too lived in Northridge during that quake. Split my parents house literally in half - you could see daylight through the 2" crack in the ceiling. 10% deductible set them back 25k at the time and the repairs took forever. Fortunately we were up on a hill on top of solid rock, the houses in the valley basin got it much worse as they were on loose sand/sediment. I remember every block wall was tumbled down. My buddy in the National Guard got to stand on street corners with his rifle to "deal with" potential looters - it was a spooky site those first few hours and days.

I remember having to get water from a truck down the hill, and how excited we were when the electricity came on for a second, spluttered out, and came on again days (weeks?) after the quake. Running water was a true joy as well.
i heard one of the scientists saying this was only 1% or 10% (each point on the scale represents a huge difference in magnitude) - don't remember which of the northridge quake - either way - i can't imagine how traumatizing that would be! i was very shaken by the recent quake and many of my friends in the area too...

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