One more day for 2020


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Nov 30, 2016
Man it's been an interesting year to say the least. One more day and I hope for a new year that we can put the virus behind us. It has been a fantastic year for the market growth and new milestones but not much more to cheer about.

I'm looking forward to see where my portfolio stands after tomorrow. Looks like exchange is open all day with bond trading closing at 2 eastern time.
This is gonna be the biggest NYE party ever! In the whole world!

On TV of course with nobody there. I would hope. Not to see NY packed on Dick Clark's rockin NYE.

I'll be partying large. Right here with the 3 of us. And the dogs...

Good-Bye 2020. May you rot in hell - :)
LOL! Party harder RobbieB. A guy hates to wish your life away but 2020 couldn't get done fast enough.
Year end accounting around the corner.
"Stack your money 'til it get sky high."
You think about how great the year has been for market investors and how poor it was for most trying to just make ends meet. The rich got richer the poor got poor in a sense. Not something to cheer about really but that is really what has happened.
This is gonna be the biggest NYE party ever! In the whole world!

On TV of course with nobody there. I would hope. Not to see NY packed on Dick Clark's rockin NYE.

I'll be partying large. Right here with the 3 of us. And the dogs...

Good-Bye 2020. May you rot in hell - :)

Yeah! And here we thought NYE 2000 would be the biggest NYE party ever. This one will be 10x bigger.

Frank and I both decided not to even drive a block from home for the next two days. Good thing we live next door to each other. We expect there will be a record-breaking number of drunks on the road! The streets are going to be littered with accident after accident. People are SO READY for 2020 to be over, forever.

I'll probably try to watch Dick Clark's Rockin NYE (with, I guess, Ryan Seacrest or somebody?). I read that they are not allowing the usual huge audience to be there. If it looks too weird then I'll just shut it off.
You think about how great the year has been for market investors and how poor it was for most trying to just make ends meet. The rich got richer the poor got poor in a sense. Not something to cheer about really but that is really what has happened.

That's been gradually happening for many years now.... I fear that it will eventually become a problem. We can do better.
Yeah! And here we thought NYE 2000 would be the biggest NYE party ever. This one will be 10x bigger.

Frank and I both decided not to even drive a block from home for the next two days. Good thing we live next door to each other. We expect there will be a record-breaking number of drunks on the road! The streets are going to be littered with accident after accident. People are SO READY for 2020 to be over, forever.

I'll probably try to watch Dick Clark's Rockin NYE (with, I guess, Ryan Seacrest or somebody?). I read that they are not allowing the usual huge audience to be there. If it looks too weird then I'll just shut it off.

Driving home from the cable company today (the clicker died) I was beginning to think folks were starting to drive drunk early (this was 2:00 PMish on 12/20!) Folks were doing 3 lane changes - without signaling. Others were pulling out into traffic - apparently without looking and definitely without signaling. Many more folks were speeding than I'm used to. It was actually a bit frightening. I'm with W2R. I'm not leaving the house tomorrow! Stay safe and let's finish off 2020. Come on, safe, sane, eventually Covid-free 2021. YMMV
Same here. Not leaving the house tonight. The driving skills are bad enough in this area when folks are sober.
Staying home. We might watch a movie. Making sweet and sour pork low-carb style. Will have a glass of wine at midnight. Planning a dry January and probably beyond. Will probably call my sister at midnight (it will be 9PM where she is). My high school band teacher is doing a Zoom reunion of students he had his first years of teaching on January 2nd. That will be more fun than New Year's Eve and Day.
Thinking about the driving comments while drunk and wanting to stay home got me thinking. A couple of days ago I went over to the ranch for the day. In 46 miles round trip I passed 2 vehicles which were just local ranch people.

I would say here if you drive drunk the odds are great that you would kill yourself in a car wreck and very low odds of someone else killing you in a car wreck.
Been hearing far too many saying once we get to 2021 things *will* be better and that it *can't* be any worse than 2020. I wished I shared in that optimism. Maybe if we as a country were all in this together, but it appears to me we aren't and it isn't even close. Hopefully I will be proven wrong.

All I do know is one year ago at this time DW was very ill from the "flu" and had been for a couple of days (caught it from our DD who had been fairly ill over Christmas when she visited). DW would continue to be ill for a few more days, then battle a loss of taste and smell for several more days, then a loss of energy for a few weeks. By the time she was starting to get over whatever "flu" she had, "cedar fever" (actually juniper) hit her hard. It was the most miserable I had seen her in our 35+ years of marriage.
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I might try to stay up until midnight for a change, just to make sure the year actually changes! ;)

It's easier for me to go to sleep early and get up at midnight rather than stay up till midnight. So usually I get up in the wee hours, enjoy coffee, and see what happened to the markets. Looking forward to doing the year end summary of where we are.

Best wishes to all my friends in this group!
If I manage to stay awake at midnight of tonight Dec 31st, I will pour myself a double shot of XO for celebration to chase away this terrible year of 2020.
I didn't realize that today was December 31st already!! (I thought it was Dec 30th today LOL.) Being in lockdown with the pandemic going on, every day feels like any other day. We never stay up until midnight anyway, so no change there.

Hopefully, 2021 is going to be a better year for all of us...
Will grab a late nap, so I could see the end of this trying year.
So, I woke up in 2021. Nothing different so far. Last night's local (illegal) fireworks were about normal. Here's hoping 2021 will see the end of Covid and we will all get back to "normal" (whatever that is.)

Happy New Year!
The celebrations here were much subdued compared to previous years. Maybe 10% of the fireworks of past. I guess if you don't a a party of people to impress...
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