Other Retirement Websites


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
Undoubtedly some members have seen these sites or even highlighted them here, but if so I missed them. One led to the other, and I am sure there are many other worthwhile sites like them, I have seen similar threads in the past.

I read a worthwhile thread on retirement guilt on one of them - anonymous quote below. However, as usual there is clearly no universal answer, so debating guilt is unnecessary IMO. YMMV

The purpose of this thread is simply to share other resources and POVs, again I am NOT hoping to provoke a debate.

Next Avenue

Satisfying Retirement

We all need to step back and reassess where our mindset is. I too, am so very grateful to be able to retire and do it at a younger age than most. However, I also agree that choices I made and sacrifices that I made helped to put me in that position. I won't say I "deserved" the good opportunities but am thankful that I was at the right spot at the right time and was willing to do the work to get there and stay there. And we chose to live within our means so this would be possible now. A lot of people aren't making those choices. However, some have not "deserved" the bad luck that their careers have dealt them or had the opportunity put in front of them to be able to have what my family has. I do feel a responsibility to give back and try to build that into my daily life--be it large or small. But no guilt here. Just abundant gratitude for a life I am so enjoying. I also enjoy volunteering and helping others and am so grateful for the many opportunities that I have to now have the time to do so.

But on a different note--which some may view as jaded--but I also hear a lot of others that say they will never be able to retire and lay on the guilt trip. Well, perhaps they won't because they live a very expensive lifestyle. We do not! And we are very happy that way. So, if they can't afford that lifestyle, I am somewhat offended that they are seemingly jealous that we can make it work. And if they continue to be heavily in debt while still buying and buying...then they are probably correct...they will never be able to retire.
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Undoubtedly some members have seen these sites or even highlighted them here, but if so I missed them. One led to the other, and I am sure there are many other worthwhile sites like them, I have seen similar threads in the past.

I read a worthwhile thread on retirement guilt on one of them - anonymous quote below. However, as usual there is clearly no universal answer, so debating guilt is unnecessary IMO. YMMV

The purpose of this thread is simply to share other resources and POVs, again I am NOT hoping to provoke a debate.

Next Avenue

Satisfying Retirement

A lot of this is personal. People have the right to live. To breathe. To be however they will with their money. But I think oen can only be expected to look after himself (and for others to whom he is responsible). No one is perfect. No one, throughout life, handles everything ideally. And no one can be 25 years and predict what life will be like 20 or 30 or 40 years later. The late actress Bette Davis said, "Getting old ain't for sissies."
There are no guarantees in life, but perhaps ER, like much scientific discovery, favors the prepared.
Those are some good sites and I have bookmarked both of them and some other places I wandered to from those sites. Thanks for sharing them.
Thanks, Midpack. I like the quote - it sums up pretty much how I feel about ER - and will check out the sites.
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