Picked my own pasture


I am sure that it is a good feeling knowing that your retirement papers are in the mail! I think that it will be such a relief to figure out when the time is right for me.

I thought that what you were doing was so neat and it is for you, but I had to rethink everything when we lost our electricity for 20 some hours. I did not enjoy anything about not having electricity at all. My 16 yr old daughter went to her brother's house for the night! We are just a bunch of wimps and I will be the first to admit it.

I do think that it would be fun to go to a place like yours for a one or two night stay as long as it was not in the winter. A bed and breakfast type of thing. I could rough it for a day or two and experience the simple life, as long as I could go back to modern conveniences.

I really do admire you doing it and all of the hard work that you are doing!!!

A lot of folks might not believe it but it is not that hard to live without electricity. It is a lot quieter than usual, and it does seem odd at times to strike a match to light a lamp instead of flipping a switch.

I gave up on the Teley over a year ago and feel much more upbeat than with the constant yammer of TV's gloom and doom news. Most of what passes for entertainment is trash done poorly. I would rather go outside and walk the dog or watch the stars at night.

Good honest labor is good for the body and for the soul/mind. I know I sound weird, but work that you want to do is fun and if you share the labor it isn't all that much. Besides when you are the boss you can decide what to do how to do it and when to do it.

I will take on tasks I think I can do and hire out other tasks that are beyond me for one reason or the other.

My motto, if you will, is to keep life simple.

I'd guess that there's a big difference between having no electricity in a standard modern house versus no electricity in a house that is designed to function without electricity.
Hi Kitty -

I am intrigued by what you're doing.  I enjoyed reading your blog - hope you keep it up.   Thanks for sharing with us!

I agree completely about the noise. Silence can be golden and it is very hard to find silence in the modern world.

I think that TromboneAl has it right that there is a big difference between a house that has electricity and one that doesn't have it. As a matter of fact, I kept thinking of you and your house with your oil lanterns and wood burning stove, and how you would not be afffected with an electricity outtage.


I love your blog pages.  They're redolent of a bygone era and are so soothing and comforting.  I wish you tremendous luck with your new life.  Please keep posting here to let us know how you're doing.

I was reading a book called "Better Off" written by
This book is the real life adventure of a young author who as a grad student took on the challange to live in a community who shunned most modern devices.

His term for this collection of people was Mimimist(s) folks who don't use technology or limit their use of technology. He learns more than what he bargined for in living, working and sharing with these people. He came away learning more about being a member of a community, family and faith. He learned work shared was a different experience than work alone. Or as they put it many hand makes light work.

Each person takes their road to their own place. Whether we use a compass, paper map or GPS doesn't matter-it is what we learn on the journey about ourselves and others that matters.

Keep it simple enjoy the trip.

You've probably thought of this already, but maybe you should write a book about this at some point.
I am keeping notes.
I am sure I will have some amusing things happen as I learn how to live this way of life. Even if it is not a best seller it will fill my spare time with creative activity.
I should get a book on how to write such a book. :D
I read a book called "The Compleat Idiot's Guide to Getting Published." I recommend it. Also, I'll bet there are some writing classes available locally.
Well folks been on the farm for a month now retired as of Dec 31st and moved the next week to the farm in Kentucky. So far so good had some adventures with the phone company won't bore you with those details I'll put that stuff on the web site.

I have been busy moving getting settled in and staying warm. Thank goodness the winter so far has been mild or it could be unpleasant.

So far, this retirement thing has not been the big deal I was thinking then again it has been only a month :) I am still a novice at this stuff. Got my seed order in and tree order as well next is to look into getting a septic system installed the run out to the little house can get a little hairy at times :))

Still not on line at the house yet as I have to go to the local library to get on line so my attendance here will be sporadic until I work out a power solution for the computer.

Until later
Kitty said:
look into getting a septic system installed the run out to the little house can get a little hairy at times :))

They sell seats that attach to a 5-gallon bucket :D

If you need a septic system only for black water consider a composting toilet.
I'd forgotten about the many uses of the 5 gallon bucket. When I worked at macdonalds as a kid the pickle slices all came in them and they threw out a bunch every week. All the people who worked there "culled" them and used them for furniture, bookshelf props, etc.

"Pickle buckets" were practically one of lifes staples.
It certainly sounds as if you are settling in quite nicely. If you need a fairly inexpensive way to run a computer, take a look at this idea. A solar panel and boat battery coupled to an inverter. I have an inverter for my laptop when we travel by car. No I don't work that much, the kids watch DVD's on it. Anyway, just thought this might be of help. http://www.rain.org/~philfear/how2solar.html
Welcome back, Kitty. You might check out some old and new Mother Earth News magazines for lots of ideas.

BTW, I hate outhouses, but hate chamber pots even more...
I like this thread a lot and I have no intention of purposefully living without electricity, indoor plumbing, a wine cellar or big screen HDTV. Yet, there is a peace of mind and contentedness from the lifestyle that we can all incorporate in our individual situations. These bucolic, romantic descriptions do much more to encourage me to FIRE than anything else I have read here. In fact, I just sent my boss an email telling him I want to retire as soon as the necessary approvals and paperwork can be processed. It may take another 10 months, but just making the move makes me feel better. Thanks, everyone.

setab said:
In fact, I just sent my boss an email telling him I want to retire as soon as the necessary approvals and paperwork can be processed.  It may take another 10 months, but just making the move makes me feel better.  Thanks, everyone.


Congratulations on the big decision Setab!
Hi Everyone;
I am back at the library and using their online service.
Thanks for the input. I liked the solar ideas very much, thinking of trying those ideas out.

I have the rural electric guy coming out to do a survey about bringing in a line and then if that is not to expensive I will get some bids about electrifing some of the house, we'll see how that goes. I started the process of getting a septic system in the test holes have to be dug first and evaluated by the State Plumbing Inspector. We'll see what that is all about when it happens.

We got some snow this weekend and I had both wood stoves fired up and it was warm and toasty, as long as I kept the beasts fed with wood.

So....how am I doing living on an old farm alone during snow storms and cutting wood using primitive methods more like the 19th century than the 21st? I have never felt so good in years and years. The stress from the old job is melting away and I find myself feeling sorry for the one I left there that have years to go. If retirement keeps going like this I made the right decision to retire.

I'll catch up with you guys in few days, hope you all are doing well.

Kitty, just so you know, my wife who thinks 'roughing it' is staying in a hotel without room service, is fascinated with your web site. She thinks you're pretty dang cool.
wab said:
That sounds very cool.   It's something that I'd like to do.   For about a year, I think.   I'm reminded of the old joke: the two happiest days of a boat owner's life are the day he buys the boat of his dreamsand the day he sells it. :),

Keep us updated.   Your future life could make a very interesting blog.   I would read it!

It's very mean but quite true: I remember the day I brought my dream house and now I put it in the market. I can imagine how happy I will be on the day it is sold. Being happy and content is just not the human nature.

Congratulations on your decision to set the wheels in motion.
Hi everybody;
I thought I would drop by and see how everyone was doing.

I had another big day finished the siding job with the last of the facia being put up this morning. I am finishing the siding on the west side of the house under the porch that should be finnished by tomorrow am. Then the potatoes go in the garden along with the cabbage and peas, also broccoli.

I planted seven fruit trees so far and my hens are giving up to three eggs a day now. I have had a go around with some reluctant geese but they are now caged till they behave.

I will be going to an auction for goats and sheep this friday and maybe if the stars and moon are in the right position I'll come home with some animals.

so,,,, how am I doing:confused:?

Fine never been so tired or hurt so much.... my hands are sore, I have cuts and bruises by the score.. I am getting a farmers tan and I grin so much folks think I am on something..

Is everything perfect? Nope, but I am well, I am happy, what more can one ask?

I wish you all the same .... good health and happyness

Kay on her farm in Kentucky :D
Congratulations again, Kay! That's one heckuvan answer to "But waddya DO all day!??"

I bet you don't miss being a cop, either...

That is someone else's problem, I wish all cops good luck they need it. I put the badge away, gave away the uniforms and put up the photos. I am a farmer-gal now and that is good enough for me.

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