Poll: Desktop Users - Mouse or Trackpad?

I use the touchpad my MacBook came with. Ever since grandkids started walking, little things like mice disappear or break.
Trackpads are not integrated into the desktop, they attach, same as mice. See some herehttps://www.amazon.com/s?k=trackpad&rh=n%3A172456%2Cn%3A284719&dc&crid=2ZOICJSTW82FE&qid=1622147663&rnid=2941120011&sprefix=trackpad%2Caps%2C186&ref=sr_nr_n_2

I'm aware of them, just never seen anyone use one in place of a mouse. I've seen one or two used with a stylus in a graphics shop, but for freehand drawing, not as a mouse.
Maybe I should have given it more time?

Maybe, but I know for me different trackpads perform very differently.

The secret sauce is the software and how well they implement things like hand rejection (ignoring the hand resting on the trackpad during typing) and acceleration curves (how fast the cursor moves as you move across the pad).

There is also some difference in how the surface moves depending on where on it you are clicking. So it’s worth trying more than one to find one that works best for you.
I guess I don't understand the question - I've never seen a trackpad on a desktop, only on laptops. And I hate them on laptops, I use a travel mouse on those.
The YT reviews suggest the Mac trackpad is a very popular option, and they’re much larger than any that I ever used on a Win laptop, so I wondered if the Mac trackpad is something better. Mac laptop trackpads have always looked larger than other makes too, and some users say their accuracy is noticeably better. I don’t know…


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I use a mouse. I won't even use a trackpad on a notebook let alone a desktop.
For a long time I didn't like using the trackpad on my laptop and I preferred to use an external mouse. But since I switched to a MacBook Pro, I use the trackpad exclusively.
I use a mouse -- even on the laptop when the laptop is in its over 80% used location.

Something like a magic mouse is what I would use. I have one from an old iMac and it works fine with my Duet Chromebook.
Interesting, I hadn’t considered that, never tried one. Seen them but it didn’t dawn on me that the mouse doesn’t have to move. Thought the track ball was additional for gaming for some reason.
I used one of these both at home and at work on my last job. The main difference is that you realize just how much of a death grip you were using on your mouse. The ergonomic relief is amazing. I also found the thumb ball to increase the speed of cursor movement. Accuracy takes a little time to improve.

With my current setup I'm all trackpad, laptop and desktop. Apple's tech in this area is 2-3x anyone else. It's like smooth, responsive glass. Beats any other form of pointer.
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With my current setup I'm all trackpad, laptop and desktop. Apple's tech in this area is 2-3x anyone else. It's like smooth, responsive glass. Beats any other form of pointer.
I’ve heard that repeatedly, and that’s why I was asking, since I’m buying a Mac for the first time ever. I’m totally comfortable with touchscreens (iPad, iPhone) but I’ve never used anything but a mouse with a desktop. DW uses a wired mouse with her Dell laptop, even though it has a (small) trackpad. Apple users seem to have a different take on the Mac mouse (bad) and Mac trackpads (good). Just gathering Mac intel…
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I hate the pads. Of the two, I'd always prefer a mouse. But...

On laptops, I've come to depend on the "pencil eraser" pointing device in between the home row keys on the keyboard. I think Lenovo is the only one still selling them with this feature. As a touch typist, having the pointer control right there between my index fingers makes it incredibly easy. I don't even bother turning on the mouse at my desk some days.
Back when working I spent a considerable time in the field and so my hands were always somewhat dirty. Trackpads don't work reliably with dirty hands.
I much prefer a mouse and keep one handy for my laptop.
Mouse on desktops. On laptops/notebooks, I prefer the trackpoint (aka "pencil eraser"), otherwise trackpad with buttons.
3-button mouse with a usb tail. Anyone have issues with bluetooth mice?
Mouse, wireless specifically. Does anyone even use a wired mouse anymore?
DW and I both still do, but neither of us will sometime within the next month or two after we buy an iMac and MacBook Pro. We’ve been using iPads mostly for years, only firing up the Win desktop or Win laptop when we need more horsepower or screen size…
Mouse, hate trackpads, not as much as the silly micro joystick in the middle of the keyboard.
Oh yeah, I meant to mention that the trackpad makes it feel very much like using an iPad.

And I thought the Apple Magic Mouse kinda sucked. I have large hands and find the low profile uncomfortable and hard to use. I do like how the surface of the mouse behaves much like a trackpad; that’s why there’s no wheel. It’s also how it behaves like there’s three buttons although there’s only one, and that’s the entire mouse.
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